Wolf dog breeds are massive. I told my wife I want one, but she doesn't. Lol but they are super cool, one of my friends have one and the first time we went over there, my wife and kids didn't wanna get out of the car, even though he was wagging his tail lol. But they are extremely intimidating. Cool dogs though.

It's basically just motor skills functionality. Most places have a .08% limit, under that, you get a small penalty, over that is a dwi and you go to jail. High functioning alcoholics always pass these tests, but fail the breathalyzer immediately.

Never has been. Me and the dudes always be having some action.

Yes you can. The fact it sounds like there's no resistance in the starter means little to no compression, like a timing chain or belt let go or catastrophic engine failure. I will say, it takes a trained ear to hear it, but once you know what a known good engine sounds like when cranking over, you can spot a loss of compression almost immediately.

Of course they do, it'll potentially force a response from Iran too. And they'd try and surround Israel with the houthis to the south too.

Depends on the person I suppose. I play about the same sober as I do high as giraffe balls, so I'm shit all the time lol


Some of them they don't even make parts for them anymore. I had a 16 edge where the FCIM took a shit and it had to be rebuilt and reprogrammed before it was reinstalled. Fixed the problem, but still. I'm sure they wasn't a used part though, especially given that it was a 2023, more likely was reflashed on the assembly line.

Bumbles bounce. You're proof. Kids who throw eggs best beware of it firing back at em.

DO NOT WELD STRUCTURAL ALUMINUM! Get a new subframe. Don't fuck around with that, you'll hurt someone or yourself if you do.

My boy had the cone for a day or two. He left his stitches alone for the most part. His marking disappeared. But he's super energetic, always has been. His balls made him very aggressive though. Once they were gone, it's been better. He's still not a fan of other animals, but he's calmed way down with his response to them since.

Best greenhouse I go to is Adams or whatever on Genesee in Clarence. My wife and I go there for all the time and it's massive!

Vet, now. Could be an allergy of some kind, but either way, dog isn't eating. Needs a vet diagnosis.

Grumpiest old men: golf etiquette. (Play on the grumpy old men movies)

I've already explained it to you. Time. Proper vetting and through investigation into gun crimes and other violent crimes of that nature will link certain red flags, restricting hand me down owner ship so things like the buffalo tops massacre(right around where I live) doesnt happen again, and making the maximum penalties for those types of supplying crimes just as strong, if not worse, like capitol offenses, to start getting rid of people who wanna break those laws. All of these things still take time. And have you ever been personally put in a position where you've needed your firearm? Genuine question, not conceited.

No one is taking anyone's guns. Lol fucking relax champ. Go outside and breathe. Our rights are protected. The fear mongering of the government coming to take your guns is insanity. It will never happen. Private firearms in America outnumber the population. It would be near impossible to apprehend all the weapons without incident. And those who want firearms outlawed have no plans to peacefully take them. So it'll never happen. Will they make it harder to get them? Yes, and they should to protect it's citizens and keep firearms from falling in the wrong hands. I am pro second amendment, but responsibility is even more important that just having a right. It's not about you or your precious guns, it's about kids in your local schools, people who go to church, basically the rest of society being safe from evil people. And before you say the argument "criminals don't care about laws", it makes it harder for them to get them if we have strict laws on them vs a free for all. They have to have connections and once those chains get broken up, less and less illegal weapons and criminals of the sort will be off the street. Answers to problems like this don't happen in 24 hours. It takes years. Lots of years.

Numbers don't mean shit when they have fire superiority and tactics. What history supports your insanity?

That's delusional. Are you trained for combat? In the logistics of how combat works? Or how effectively and efficiently maneuver under fire from gun fire and artillery? And do you have access to air superiority? I highly doubt it. The second someone tries to shoot at you, or anyone who's not trained to handle that, will crumble. Myself included in that as well. The military, if deployed and had zero defectors, would annihilate the population. Be real.

Who do you think the government is going to call on if they wanted to infringe our rights?

You could just block them

Well, the person who paid is an idiot.

If you think you stand a chance against the United States military, best of luck to ya. Lol you'd get droned instantly. Same with a group of untrained "militia". Lol be real.

The big piece of the high pressure pump. It's not really difficult to change, it's just some of them have to be put in a specific area of timing so that the control lobe on the cam is pointed down to help with install. But outside of that, it's two bolts and a plug.

Incorrect. A magazine is a magazine. I'm not the one applying terms to a storage of ammunition for certain weapons. I'm just simply asking what you, a civilian, would need a 30 round magazine for, especially in the example you citied such as hunting. A five round magazine would suffice plenty.