I’m finding the colossi easier solo cause they get weakened but I’ve only done up to and including devourer. Does the game still weaken them on solo on hard mode?

That makes more sense

Why are you happy Musiala didn’t pick England though? It’s like half the comments here think it’s mad but you don’t explain why anywhere

Shop —> support material —> support items. In there for 300 caliber

Don’t you need corrosive resist for devourer?

Yeah I was coming back to edit my comment actually, it goes up as you level. At level 13 I have 6->7.3s now. 15s actually seems perfectly manageable

The skill extension mod is working for me but duration is only boosted from 4->4.8s, no idea how to get 15s. Maybe just every mod you can get for skill duration boosted to the max

Yep lol. I’ve done the vespers one about 50 times so far with no luck but that’s farming for you

It’s still a % chance at each item inside, you don’t get to pick. Idk of any other way to get the shards

Try it solo, I’ve just done it myself and it was way easier. The colossi have way less health (presumably 1/4) when you fight them alone

Not sure how to optimise for it because I didn’t really, but as bunny with a level 52 thunder cage it was pretty easy. Used fairly general purpose weapon mods for damage, fire rate, mag size, weak point damage, crit rate and damage. My descendant mods are mostly buffing skill power, health and defence. I do have electric condense on (one of her transcendent mods I was lucky to find) but I doubt this makes a difference. The high def meant I could basically face tank often enough to really hammer the weak points at close range. I can give specifics if you like but tbh I think trying it solo is all you will need

Minion! What the HELL are you do-do-do-do

Rocket jumping isn’t too hard in general but to get to the boss by doing it is extremely easy tbh, you can do it first try probably

Minion! What the HELL are you do-do-do-do

True but I think most people actively playing bl2 will have it anyway, either during its free month or having bought it later. I believe it gets discounted periodically too

Minion! What the HELL are you do-do-do-do

At this point almost everyone will have the dlc imo, the games been released for very cheap with all dlc included for years now

390 is brutal hahaha. When I was reading old Reddit posts about it and someone said they know people with 100-200 runs who don’t have it yet and I’m sitting here like fuck me I guess

What’s funny is as I read this I realise I’d forgotten to even include the Ajax ogre in my head lol. I’ve been farming that alongside armoury farms but I’m about 200 in with nothing

Yeah I don’t have it in me to farm hybrids. It’s rare enough finding pearls, never mind a good pearl, never mind a hybrid lol. I’ve found 18 pearls in my tracked armoury farms and literally 2 of them are good rolls

Nothing if he doesn’t score

They have to take Ronaldo off the free kicks man jfc

Maybe yeah, nothing I’ve come across yet though

That’s shady af lol. What are they doing now? I never really got into destiny although I played 1 a little at launch

I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about it lol. On the one hand, it’s extremely rare. On the other, I felt like they should’ve been pearls or at least something I’d use - I hate the eridian guns lol

Oh yeah true, I forgot about some of the eridians. I’ve only ever found the mega cannon which is the most common I believe, although in my case I found 2 in the same armoury run which is probably the statistically craziest thing ever to happen to me in gaming. I do have it recorded in case anyone doubts it

I’m actually curious, have any games ever been really microtransaction heavy and toned it down over time? Seems like the sorta thing companies wouldn’t do