Youre a straight A student - can you do tutoring?

Tutor before/after school? You can set your own hours and rates.

Soft YTA I’m not even going to touch that age gap.

It isn’t “just now become a slur”. It’s been a slur and has deeply hurt Amy. Please don’t minimize that.

With that said, you didn’t pick your name - that’s not your fault. I’m definitely side eyeing your parents here.

I understand why it is disrespectful to not be called your name, and I can understand why Amy isn’t comfortable calling you by your name.

It does sound like she’s tried alternative ways to address you but you aren’t open to any of them.

As for the wedding, you’re definitely the asshole.

You received an invite. You declined the invite. The day of, you decided to crash their wedding. You were wrong & Amy was not in the wrong.

How could they be at fault for you changing your mind the day of especially considering your dad did repeatedly ask you for change your mind months beforehand? That was solely your decision so take responsibility for that.

Pro-choice Feminist

Yes I’m an international transracial adoptee & my extended family ran an adoption agency.

It’s a billion dollar industry that commodifies children & is definitely in bed with the anti-abortion industry.

Pro-choice Feminist

Ugh as an adoptee, I hate seeing Adoption being used to score points in the political debate.

Fun facts: per the Turnaway study, of those who are denied an abortion, most choose to parent. Few do choose to relinquish for adoption.

Not to mention, a lot of biological parents who relinquished only do so because they felt like they didn’t have the finances or resources or support to parent. Additionally, there’s a certain amount of coercion and pressure to biological parents to relinquish.


So for small government, do you believe that the government should involved in medical treatment access or should leave it to medical professionals? Small government as in government has minimal involvement of who can get married? Small government as in minimal oversight on educational curriculums?

Less regulation - of what? Trade? Business licenses?

So much of the overarching political stances on both sides are vague and can have overlap.

You say most “moderate conservatives” are libertarian - but yet many vote for MAGA. How does that differentiate them from MAGA?

Pro-choice Feminist

So she’s hypocritical pro lifer.

I’m glad that she’d help you in that situation but would she be so forgiving if the pregnant person wasn’t her daughter? Would she help you if you were pregnant from consensual sex?

It’s an appropriate MOB dress that falls into the red hue scheme.

You’re overthinking the no white rule.


Ooh these are super cute!

2nd one is my favorite


Are you in the US? Or Europe? Politics (and labels) differ in certain places.

How would you define moderate conservative? What are your core values?

I think that’s the main issue - it wasn’t communicated that the bride wanted to be the only one wearing white during the bachelorette.

If there’s a “dress code” then it’s normally discussed beforehand.

I personally asked my girlfriends to wear black & I wore white at my bachelorette.

Did you tell them that you wanted to be the only person wearing white?

I can see both sides, yes the bride should be the one wearing white but that is in general for just the wedding.

I’ve been to bridal showers where the brides didn’t wear white/didn’t request people to not wear white.

Linc had every right to know if the baby was his.

Really hated what they did to Amelia’s character.

The cousins were 12 & 13, daughters were 10 & 12.

There’s not a lot of information so it’s a bit presumptuous to think that OPs kids were the golden children.

Then why host a competition in the first place?

Or why not have 4 prizes so each won? “Best cookie for using the most icing” “Best cookie for using the least icing” “Best cookie for creative mixing the icing colors” “Best cookie for keeping all the icing on the cookie”

They hosted a competition. They set up the whole thing.

They should’ve had 4 different prizes then do each grandkid won something.

Yeah I agree - their approach isn’t a partnership and bringing up “I made the money, it’s mine” wouldn’t necessarily help OP see any sense.

Eh when it comes to marriages where there’s one income (or 1 significantly higher income) the mine vs yours mindset is divisive. It should be approached as a team effort, with compromises towards a common goal.

Unfortunately, it’s not what is happening here with OP. She has her goals & husband’s goals interfere with hers.

I’m wondering if she only wants to match the salary so she can continue the “comfortable” lifestyle that she is used to.

Any amount of work would help alleviate the burden on her husband.

Pro-choice Feminist

Yes and all the positions that will be filled by the president - who do you trust to appoint qualified candidates or nepotism hires?

Idk about the “fully matured woman” part.

Engineering is hard (I’ve got a B.S. in engineering) but it’s not impossible to pick up a part time job.

Heck she could tutor or dog walk for a couple of hours each week just to help alleviate some burden off her husband.

She just doesn’t want anything that inconveniences her or her (fully paid for by husband) comfortable lifestyle.

Yes my mom was older, went back to school, worked full time, and had 2 high school aged kids at home.