I fixed the issue by snipping the notch off the limiter assembly :)

Thanks! Would you happen to know why that tab is there though?

Yeah but it hits the Z axis limiter switch before it gets down there

I tried fully removing it and installing it in the lower position, but the nub at the bottom of its assembly prevents me from doing so, I guess I need to snip it off (?)

Also in the winter, it gets very dry so you'll need a humidifier in your room. Heating and air conditioning performance will vary based which dorm you live in, but me and a couple of friends have all noticed that they suck all the moisture out of the air so you'll need to run your humidifier a lot to stay at a healthy hunidity (I forgot to refill a couple of times and it very quickly dropped down below 20%). Note that due to temperature differences, the metal rim on your windows will get very cold in the winter, I suggest sticking to the lower end of the healthy humidity range for your humidifier, otherwise ice builds up on the window rims.

In terms of general life, there will be lots of students, and the campus generally has a clean environment. If you're used to living in rural areas, this maybe quite a change because UofT is in the middle of a big city. If you venture out of campus and into the city, you will also smell a lot of cannabis. In terms of academics, try not to be discouraged if you get low grades, and be sure to talk to academic advisors to help plan your degree (its free).

St George St will have a significant number of food trucks, as well as plenty of restaurants down along College St and into the city. When you plan courses, be sure to use a campus map to make sure you can make it from one class to the other in time, as it can take up to 20 minutes to get from one class to another depending on the distance apart.

Transportation wise, familiarize yourself with the TTC, there are 2 subway lines that cross through campus, lines 1 and 2, with St George station being a transfer station for both lines. Line 2 skims the northernmost part of campus, and Line 1 curves south through campus. There's also a bus that crosses horizontally through roughly the middle of campus, although you should be able to go between classes by foot on most days. Don't get a car, it is not necessary. There's also bike share which could be useful, although I personally haven't used it.

Also snow in the winter, I personally wouldn't say snow boots are required, but they would be recommended because snow can get heavy in the winter and even when the walkways are salted, they leave a lot of puddles and sludge that would otherwise soak through running shoes.

Getting ready to buy a used 3D printer off FB Marketplace to save money, is it too much to ask the seller to print a small 1x1 cm cube to prove that its working? This would be the first 3D printer that I own, but I've had some sellers just leave me on read, and one of them said they couldn't be bothered to spend the time.

That would be quite pain, in that case could I ask my prof to bump me up to a 60%? Or do they not do that

That's a possibility, I'm hoping thats the case for me, although then there would be the question on whether my final would raise or lower my mark

Could I bump my MAT136 final mark up by 1% to meet a program requirement?Question

I'm trying to apply for an Economics Major and I got a 59 for MAT136 on my Acorn today, the minimum requirement is 60%... Would I be able to negotiate a mark bump to 60 in Office Hours or something? Or maybe I should request a Final Exam Regrade (?)...

Is the mark on Acorn right now the Final final mark or do they still need to adjust marks for the 60/40 homework/exam scaling, or add in the ACT marks or some other thing...

I don't want to retake it in the summer :')
I had an 82 in MAT135 so it's quite the bummer to get pushed over by 136 ;-;


Used disc in a used case; bros just selling old used games lol

staying in canada cuz who tf uses the size of their feet to determine length, double big macs to measure volume, and F-350 per saw'd-off shotgun to measure speed

I haven't had issues, just ship using the provided address and make sure you do the Customs form correctly. I'd advise against using EIS or GSP as they have a risk of damaging your item when they open your package for inspection, and also because they stole an item from me at one point (as a buyer)

They're being quite pushy, wait until the very last minute of the offer before countering or declining for maximum emotional damage.

The workload is realistically fine, the hard part is trying not to get burnt out ;-;

Oh thats a great price lmfao, its more expensive in vancouver thats for sure, but ig the quality/taste scales up with it

There's no Eden there, and the one at O'Connor and Coxwell is not bad but when compared to a lot of places in vancouver, its like halfway there

Nah I lean towards chinese food lol, ig I shoulda specified, the chinese food options around toronto are far inferior to whats in vancouver

I prefer Vancouver for the food, better weather, better air, and transit

Fontaine - HOYO-MiX