There’s also an archery perk that ups the amount of arrows you pick up/salvage from dead enemies you kill with a bow.

Get the textbook. Stay a week ahead of the class, you’ll be fine.

The first class I ever taught was a business communications class, I barely knew anything about it. But being about a week or two and giving them some projects to work on in class bought me time.

I have read that this sort of arm protection was surprisingly-effective at providing indirect protection because it broke up the soft flat planes that the side of your arm would be as a target. In this example, the disc is basically functioning like a primitive or simplified disc couter.

People on the internet are nobodies and losers, and their bad opinions and beliefs are usually expressed explicitly to get me to engage with them. I don’t engage with nobodies and losers.

It is a pretty commonly-seen dagger version of the Ranger Sword wielded by Strider/Aragorn from the LOTR movies.

It’s probably stamped metal.

Honestly I don’t.

I get very vague because in my experience, everyone just seems to want to make jokes about having summers off, or asking me questions about students, or bring up some annoying thing they see in the news about colleges or professors or to ask me for information or tips about something I know nothing about for their kid’s college.

I tend to just say “I teach professional-level writing” and leave it at that (I teach comp, academic research, communications, and literature). This way I don’t have to bite my tongue when they bring up something about “DEI” or pronouns or whatever.

Mass-produced (in as much as it could be with production technology of the era) plate became a more common thing in Europe by the 16th century, I believe.

In the era before cheap and affordable full plate, a common way to give arms some level of protection were chain/segmented pieces sewn to the sleeves and shoulders of arms, usually of linen/gambeson.

Haha VISITOR Q was a trip and a half. In hindsight, brilliant. Seeing it the first time? Completely-shocking.

Partassipant [2]

I think ESH.

Your college friend is allowed to invite whoever they want. A wedding in the end is about the people getting married.

That being said, a partner of 5 years is not someone to lightly dismiss. Of course your girlfriend is annoyed, you’re gonna go to this relatively-big thing alone not because she has other obligations but because she’s not seen as “close enough”.

Who is “close” enough to be allowed a plus 1? Is it because they’re married couples? Because both the bride and groom know them? What are the parameters here?

But also, would your partner not know your friends? Why would your significant other not be familiar with your close friends?

Miner’s clothes, misc. robes (especially college robes), captain’s clothes or any of the pirate/boat clothing stuff.

I feel your pain, my current playthrough is a female character and sometimes I don’t wanna wear armor but hate how the casual clothing is just long dresses for female characters.

Hate the sleeveless version, but before getting any CC armors, my favorite. It’s not really “historic”, but it’s close, with the layers and trying to mimic jack plate or lamellar (though the small plates should overlap).

I have a little storage faux-Tupperware thing in my sock drawer I lined with an old hand towel (I keep my handkerchiefs in there too. When I rotate my watches (from their case) or handkerchief out I’ll rotate my knife too sometimes.

Yes, in cities like mine, a lot of businesses do this. Communities will organize stuff like this for kids to be able to truck or treat and not have to wander around say, an apartment building.

Businesses, at least around me, basically “volunteer” to be a part of it, usually it’s during later business hours (like 4pm to closing).

Yeah, B is competent, A is extraordinary. That’s basically it for me.

Besides the usuals like a plagiarism section and school policies, I have a late work policy in there, as well as a tech policy about emailing me and the rules of submitting work to the LMS (“it is your responsibility to submit correct files in the correct file format, incorrect submissions get a zero and are considered late,” that sorta thing). I also have a section about in-class behavior like showing up late and using phones, and what I will and will not do or offer such as missing lessons, etc.

Too much material (they’d have been astronomically-expensive), the style (shorter broader weapons hack and slash), but also, swords were secondary sidearms for most of antiquity. Your main weapon would have been a spear (easy to make, less material). It’s why axes were popular sidearms/secondary weapons (it doubles as a farm implement).

So you just arbitrarily made a big decision that ended up affecting two other people without consulting them, and now you’re wondering why one of them is annoyed at you. Good iob.


You don’t need a fixed blade unless you’re hunting or camping, no one is impressed you’re got one in a sheathe on your belt at Home Depot.

Yeah it’s a sitcom, it isn’t that big a deal.