You think the US of today is at the level of the US of 1940? 1940 US government, culture and manufacturing was in a totally different space. There is a reason iPhones are made in China - US couldn’t remotely compete

Personally I don’t think so. I don’t even use sponges as they harbour insane amounts of bacteria and old rotten food and my cleaning needs are met with a basic plastic dish brush, dish soap and occasional BKF. I’m not compromising here - it is literally more effective in my opinion, and cheaper and more hygienic.

Anti-alcohol marketing has made a decent impact in Gen Z, who are well aware it is not good for you. I respect that.

My guess is this is turbocharged by COVID. Alcohol tends to be drunk socially (at least at first), and Covid crippled the social life of Gen Z, who have never really recovered. With screens being addictive and people being more comfortable alone, alcohol isn’t as normalized.

You assume they are incompetent when really it’s malice.

Pandas is better in that it is more mature, which means it has a more complete feature set, larger maintenance team, has more stability and has been around long enough for all other libraries to connect to it and most people in the space know how to use it (more or less).

Polars is better in that it is noticeably faster and some prefer the syntax. It will take time for it to be integrated. I would use it for personal projects to skill up but give it another year for it to be wired into everything else.

Well of course, Canada’s demographics are radically changing. We have had huge recent population inflows from places that do not like gay people.

Canada literally carves out permissions for racism in the charter.

China has almost certainly already stolen all of the EUV IP. They are masters at state-sponsored corporate espionage. Building it will take time, but that is what this fund is for

If you’re using an impedance scan, they don’t work at all - you’ll want to use a water tank or ideally DEXA if you’re curious about your body fat. Most scans run up one leg and down the other and your body fat distribution and your hydration status both massively change it. Frankly that technology should just be tossed in the trash.

If you are curious about your fitness level and body fat for health reasons, can just measure your waist measurement. At 6’2” your waist diameter should be less than half of your height, so under 37 inches (ideally 34-36). Since midsection fat (especially the stuff under the muscle) is the biggest health risk, can use that (along with other measurements).

Oh, and at an impressive 250 and 20% body fat using above average wrist and ankle measurements you would have the muscle mass of a long-time amateur bodybuilder (using the Casey Butt formula). If you’re squatting 500 though you would already know that metrics meant for normal people wouldn’t apply to you though.

And using the Kouri et al and Schultz et al methodology you would be at a fat-free mass index of 25.1 at 20% body fat, which is above the maximum potential of most people’s genetics without drugs (most serious natural bodybuilders top out at 25, a world class bodybuilder tops out at about 25.4). You would already know if you’re a bodybuilder and a true edge case.

Or you could be a normal guy and like most people significantly underestimating your body fat percentage.

Don’t use NAC after consuming alcohol. Research indicates it worsens liver damage. It does help if consumed a bit before drinking alcohol though.

To reduce impact of alcohol:

  1. Be well hydrated
  2. Electrolytes
  3. A multivitamin and NAC prior to drinking
  4. Drink less
  5. Alternate alcohol and water (or electrolyte drink)
  6. Don’t drink on empty stomach (to slow uptake somewhat)
  7. Stop drinking well before night is over (you want to be covering up when you go to sleep, not getting more drunk)
  8. Again, drink less

It isn’t just Trudeau. This was the courts, who are generally made up of hardcore progressive activists. A centrist party needs to come in and mass appoint centrist judges to try and balance this.

It is fine to yell at kids (or anyone else) in an actual emergency. That shouldn’t even be a point of discussion. When did our society go so wrong?

A roof replacement can easily be 10k, and lasts about 15 years. Do the math on annual savings for just that. And a furnace and A/C is the same. Maintenance is lumpy.

Well, it is because piles and piles of scientists have evaluated it in Canada (and worldwide) and the scientists at the regulatory agencies pretty much all think it’s fine.

Now that consensus doesn’t matter to politicians - they don’t operate on science, they operate on public sentiment. But politicians also respond to economics and this would be punitive, as anything else would cost more, work less well and be toxic.

It works for average people of average muscle mass a century ago. Recent research has indicated that it can be inaccurate, but that the inaccuracy is mostly that many people who are NOT obese still have obese-like outcomes due to being so undermuscled and having too much body fat. That makes BMI for the typical person actually too conservative, not too aggressive.

Maybe you’re totally jacked or have an edge case body type. Your situation wouldn’t be typical.

250 at 6’2” is obese FYI with a BMI of 32.4. You might live in a community of people who are larger which can throw off ‘normal’?

Because all the other studies on this have come to a different conclusion set?

Move. All your ancestors did for that exact reason. Or skill up and get a skilled job. You aren’t helpless ha - I understand it isn’t easy but you have options. Tell me something specific and concrete you have done this week to improve your situation - if nothing comes to mind, then you can act now and do something that can help get you there

We will see? I’d say relying on bad reports doesn’t make a lot of sense, unless you are just using it to justify an existing opinion

The PBO report was wrong… see the literal thread you’re posting in? Where it has become clear they messed up their calculations?

Plus it doesn’t even discuss all the problems with this report, other than misclassifying large categories… for example they made up long term economic costs from carbon taxes but also didn’t make up any benefits whatsoever from investment in alternatives.

Why are you quoting the report when it literally, in this article that you posted has been made clear it is wrong?

The PBO actually did screw up fairly significantly. Do you prefer incorrect reports?