Well it’s not like they’re out catching shoplifters

Is what it is, some people just like wasting money. The fireworks were hard for me in early 2000s when I first got back and with every deployment it got worse and worse. But there’s nothing to do or say, you can’t conform the world to you. My son is autistic and wears headphones, you guys can too.

I slipped down a slight slope while mowing the other day

Now say how you only paid $1200 because you have insurance… our healthcare and insurance circlejerk system we have is ridiculous because they make up cost so insurance can negotiate down and they both still make a killing. The sad part is when you don’t have insurance you don’t get to get them to discount prices. The other sad part is premium costs, networks and hoops to jump through. The other other sad part is some politicians have convinced their base that we can’t do better for cheaper and they believe them.

So they don’t gps the machines?

No you haven’t… you keep electing the same OLD idiots in congress.

Was not getting ready to fight vibes from the dude… seems like a cheap shot

He ain’t lying though… got the medical retirement to prove it

Ever wonder what any of these people that spend thousands of dollars on gender reveals for their children will think when their teen comes to them and say they aren’t that gender anymore? Will they have a redo party? The future is gonna be funny.

You’re aware there’s no connection with nuts and peeing… right?

100% something there will pinch my nuts

Nah I’m in the skinny with big tits fan club

Funny… now have that kid pick it back up and set it where it was and then gather all the balls back up or they’ll throw fits their whole lives.