I think this poll isn't completely accurate. Does it control for sex? A large majority of women are liberal, and vice versa for men. Women tend to be less willing to engage is sex than men regardless of political leaning.


If you're asking if Biden needs to be replaced, you need to understand that the right has been calling for this since he took office. His mental health has been in question his entire presidency, even coming to a point where he was deemed too inept to go to court.

Yes, Biden needs to be replaced, but not with a democrat. All they've done is lie to you about his health, his morals and his dealings with foreign governments this whole time.

At least when there's a republican in office you can bet that the media won't cover for them.


The problem is that it's currently the exact mirror of your nightmare. Government employees are incredibly skewed towards being democrats. Republicans replacing a large swath of them might just bring it to about even.

Please change the name of this subreddit to propogandapics or something similar. Tired of the politics on either side.

Pretty, but please be careful with your health! Extra hormones can be really destructive on your body.


I have a feeling you're sampling your experience from a very narrow experience. You've gotta get more explorative experience.

The easiest one for me when I feel like I need connection is to... go join a church.

I know, not the most pleasant idea for most redditors. It's something that many people avoid like the plague on this site, with everyone having unique reasons why, but hear me out.

Most will take you in and are very easy to make friends in. Most are free with voluntary donations available, and there are people there going through just about everything life can throw at you. Most don't care about who you are or were, and just want to know you and hear your story. Most are pretty chill, and likely have perspectives that you've never considered.

Of course you'll be sold Christianity as an idea, but it's never a requirement before just going and talking to people. Take advantage of that. Christians are begging for opportunities to reach out and talk to new people. It's part of their core doctrine.

There's sides to America that are incredible and unique. You just have to be willing to look in different places than you would in other countries.


Are they any greedier than 5 years ago? Ask yourself what's changed really.

Looking for one thread that doesn't mention Trump. Tough challenge.

I think it's called a submission strike. When you won't get in handcuffs they're allowed to punch or jab you until you do. Just remember, these guys work for the government and do whatever is asked. Could have just dragged the guy, but it's not easy to hold a grown man down or restrain one who won't comply.

Daily dose of propaganda. Don't forget everything is going to shit with current leaders. God forbid the states have the rights to make their own laws about such a controversial topic.

Hey man you're doing a good thing talking about it, but I'd talk to a psychiatrist with CBT training if you really want to change something about your behavior. It's worth the money to improve your quality of life.

On another note, you could try random stuff out until something sticks. Eat only meat for a few months, practice using visualization, maybe try to fake it till you make it. The brain is pretty easy to change when you habitually do something.

Play some online games and practice mouthing off in all chat. That has little consequence and you can get multiple sessions in fairly quickly.

I feel your desire to be more masculine brother. I've never hit anyone without boxing gloves on, and when I get pissed at someone I don't get physical, but I've gotta be prepared for when it's necessary.

You're actually starting on a better footing than a lot of other guys. You're coming from meekness. Guys that start from the other side of the spectrum have it way tougher. Imagine trying to learn civility from a jail cell or after hurting someone you shouldn't have.

It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a Gardener in a war. Keep at it big guy.

Attack the investors and watch the economy sink to the lowest it can possibly go. You want poor people even poorer? This is how you get poor people poorer.

It's the economy, stupid.

Oh my god please do keep coming with zweis. Parrying that wide arc feels so good.

You watched him release the majority of those fish. The rest will be used to catch bigger fish.

The economy would simply shift. People would go broke for a while, and some would even die.

You gotta choose between that, which gives people an eventual chance through growing economies on more sustainable practices, or this, which will permanently enslave millions.

Can't just blame bad working conditions on other countries. If a western country tried to do anything to help other than giving cash that won't fix any deeper problems, then they'd be demonized immediately.

Gonna be honest here, the framing is suspicious. I wouldn't put it past a California college study to have some cherry picked data and misleading conclusions regarding their own schools. California crime isn't really decreasing. I wouldn't really expect things to be getting better in schools either.

Been living in Japan a few years now. Pedestrian accidents are high because of the narrow roads.

Also if you like societal expectations then sure this place is great. Just don't expect individuality and diversity.

Never said all democrats. I'm talking about the elites. The corporations that mostly lobby for democrats. The top percentiles of the left outweigh everyone else.

Basically democrat elite cities control the wealth I guess...

These dice look gorgeous! They'd totally fit the main NPC that helps my players, an artificer they knew who died and reincarnated his soul into a clockwork body!

Hopefully you can skip to Japan...

Yeaahhh, but it's still killing babies. It's really difficult to understand approaching the idea of being okay with that. "Oo look at me I'm a good person but oopsy woopsy I got pregnant from choosing to have unprotected sex. Guess I'll just kill the kid."

Y'all act like slave owners before 1964 getting all upset like this. Can't wait for your grandkids to look back at their family history and wince when they see your social media.

The evil half of Tiamat split and cursed to roam the world as a yuanti broodmother.