I'd try more individual sports. Little kid soccer is 10 kids all trying to get the ball at the same time. Things like swimming and rock climbing where each kid goes at their own pace (or even dancing, which a lot of little boys love) might be a better fit.

Toronto Parks and Rec has kids craft and art classes too - those might be a good fit.

I would recommend against martial arts. I teach kids martial arts. Half the little kids are there because their parents want us to teach them discipline (ie the kids are either bullies or have adhd) and the other half are there because their parents want us to teach them aggression or social skills (those kids spend half the class crying and asking to go to the washroom because they don't want to be there).

I did this one for several years - built a decent amount of strength on it despite it not being very exciting. Personally I like dumbells because they force a bit more work in the stabilizer muscles.


Have you talked to or emailed your city councillor about it? They should know assuming they care about their neighborhood, but they might not know this particular intersection is a problem. It might be a light timing issue or a lack of speed enforcement...both of which can be improved.

Private health insurance is for-profit. Ie they design their plans so that you end up losing money and they make money.

It's very unlikely that they'll provide more physio than you would pay for out-of-pocket at the same price. And remember that they may not cover pre-existing conditions.

Essentially you've bought:

  • a yellow shirt
  • a light yellow shirt
  • a dark yellow shirt
  • a bright yellow shirt
  • an orangey-yellow shirt
  • a gold shirt
  • a chartreuse shirt

You have a couple US-only funds, and some international funds - all of which are massive funds that try to buy huge swaths of the market. You need at max 2 of these - otherwise it's overly complicated (especially with the small amount of money you have invested).

Decide if you want aggressive high-risk growth (XEQT), or less aggressive moderate risk growth (XGRO, VGRO). Then put all of your money into that one. Once you hit $1M start worrying about picking market sectors.

Save the complications for taxable/unregistered investments where you need to worry about taxation (I'm assuming this is in a TFSA or RRSP).

Depends on your salary and your potential salary. I maxed out my RRSP when I was young because I wanted the tax savings (when you're not making much every cent of tax feels like a burden). But then I ended up making much more money that I thought I would and now I wish I had the extra RRSP room instead of paying 50% income tax.

Also depends on if you have a pension, if you're planning on retiring in a HCOL or LCOL area, if you'll max CPP....

If you're planning on buying another house, I'd lean towards paying off the mortgage since that will give you a larger downpayment which gives you a lot more freedom in terms of which house you can buy. You can always work for a couple extra years into retirement to make more money, but if you're living in a house for 30-50 years, it's important to like the house.

Lo Loestrin has a slightly unusual schedule - in a 28 day cycle there are 24 E+P pills, followed by 2 P, and then 2 sugar pills (or in the US I think they're iron).

So you've only got two days a month with no hormones compared to most pills where it's a week. In many women this results in no periods or sporadic periods. In some women it leads to random spotting. In others they have monthly periods but they only last a couple days.

I find a lot of people on this forum have complex "routines" because they care about skincare. But if you don't, just buy a moisturizer with spf 30 and maybe one or two actives in it (vit c, niacinamide, peptides), and slap that on your face after you wash it. Honestly that's 90% as good as a complex routine (that you won't stick to).

Brush your teeth, rinse your face to get the toothpaste specs off it, slap on moisturizer. Done.

If I order something obnoxious that requires unusual ingredients or technique - yes

If I order a coffee and they pour it in a cup and then I add cream and sugar myself - fuck no

Most of my money is in ETFs...those aren't owned by WS...I still own the funds even if they go under. It'll be a serious pain in the ass to get them transferred to another brokerage if they do go under, but financially it shouldn't impact me.

Their cash account is covered by CIDC, so as long as you're under $100K cash you're fine. The $300K I've got in GICs at a credit union are actually a higher risk.

And WS does charge fees. They have managed plans, currency conversion, crypto fees, etc. So you can use it in a way that doesn't cost you anything, but in the era of /r/wallstreetbets there are tons of idiots paying fees for gimmicky transactions. I stick to XEQT and its kin, but many people don't.

I couldn't manage to eat even a fraction of what I should have due to the taste. I probably averaged 600-800 calories per day. I wasn't hungry per se...more unsatiated? It feels weird to eat and then not digest anything. Also I was an idiot and continued to work out, and then blacked out in the gym. Don't do that.

Part of why I transferred was to get out of the mutual funds I had accumulated through the years. So very little of it was in-kind. Cash is also a slow transfer.

I just moved about $1.5M. Took me an hour of work, and most of that is because RBC decided to be a dick and block one of the transfers. The main downside is that it takes about a week or two for your money to actually get there, so you're at the whims of the market while this happens.

I don't buy US etfs so I can't speak to those questions.

I vaguely remember it not controlling my periods at all when I first started (my record was 3 periods in a month) and my doctor told me to stick with it for 4-6 months. Fortunately my body eventually chilled out and got on schedule.

I don't take it continuously either, but since there are only two hormone-free days in a 28 day cycle, my periods have pretty much vanished.

I think the combo of whacky peri hormones + low dose might mean it takes a bit longer for it to take control of your system.

Look into Lo Loestrin - an ultra low dose (10 mcg estrogen) pill. I've been on it for years, and I only have sporadic periods on it. I'm using it as sort-of-HRT for peri because it provides stable levels of hormones rather than the fluctuations you get with your natural ones (although I'm 50 this year, so my doc might force me off of it).

Also the Mirena IUD (no estrogen, frequently used as part of an HRT regime) - I was on it for 10 years and didn't have a single period. I only stopped using it because it kept poking me during sports. Although a quick google suggests it might be discontinued (for poking people's organs)....but there are other non-estrogen IUDs too, including smaller less pokey ones.

Kiwanis pool seems to have more sunbathers than swimmers. Huge deck, lots of people bringing their own chairs just to hang out.

I use a chemical sunscreen, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then put a mineral sunscreen over top. There was a weird study years ago that showed putting zinc over chemical filters damaged the chemical ones...but then it turned out they were using a form of zinc that no one actually puts in sunscreen.

Also buy UVP clothing and a few good hats. It's cheaper in the long run, and safer since it won't sweat off or be rubbed off.

The advantage of the criss crossing straps is that it allows for a lot of rotational motion without the bra band being pulled. The crossing straps also mean they won't slip off your shoulders if you're doing something where your shoulders curve forward. I find the racerback bras achieve this by placing more pressure on my upper traps, while the crossback ones are more comfortable. I've got a ton of Energy variations and they're my most worn bras.

They used to have more racerback bras, but their current bra selection leans towards daily wear. Athleta has a huge sale on right now including a ton of racerback bras...I'd take a look over there.

Or you could move to Wealthsimple - get 1% bonus on the amount you transfer - buy etfs (including fractional shares) whenever you want for $0.

Take a close look at the fund performance. There's a good chance the guy selling you the fund has cherry picked the absolute largest spread between the fund and XEQT (which has only been around since 2019 so what are they even comparing it to with a 10 year timeframe?)

But you can move your plate to a new car. So that car might be brand new just with an old plate.

My plate is in the middle of the A's and I got it in 1999. That plate has been around for much longer than 6 years.

My current studio locks the outer door 1 min before class, but people still screw around in the changeroom and meander into class late. Some people are respectful and quietly put their mat down and just join in, while others noisily throw their mat on the ground, and step over other mats to collect props.

Locking the classroom door is a problem because I acknowledge some people have bowel or urinary problems that require them to run to the bathroom, and if someone's feeling overwhelmed I think they should have the right to leave a hot room and chill out for 10 minutes before rejoining. But there are more disruptive and less disruptive ways to do this...and not everyone chooses the right way.

I know a lot of people from just outside of Toronto who voted for him and still think he's the best. From what I can tell, it has more to do with hating left-leaning parties than any actual policy that the OPC have rolled out.

They've got a lot of people convinced that privatization is better than publicly owned services, without realizing that publicly owned services suck because the government won't fund them sufficiently. There's still the idea of the tax-funded gravy train.

Chinatown east:

  • Wok and Roast for chinese bbq.
  • Dumpling house for dumplings and some of the chinese classics
  • Que Ling for banh cuon (the rest of their stuff is solid, but this is the place to get banh cuon)
  • Batifole for French

A bit further east:

  • Maple Leaf Tavern for high-end gastropub
  • Banh Mi Huy-Ky for my fav banh mi in the city