Thank you!!! I empathize with you as well friend. Admitting that she does it is more than what a lot of other influencers and celebrities would ever say. I couldn’t imagine being famous and having cameras waiting for me at unsuspecting moments like I’m anxious enough with nobody giving af what I do lolol. I hope the FaceTune photoshop era phases out one day and it definitely seems to be going that way a little bit I think with a little more body positivity in the most recent years. I’m happy you are doing better. 🫶🏻

Okay I can definitely agree with maybe her not being an example and that is a whole lot of pressure. We saw it with Miley and I get it. I guess what I’m trying to say is people like her personality and body dysmorphia is rampant right now because of all the photoshopped pics everywhere. Nobody knows what’s real anymore. The Kardashians posts literally get flagged as AI because of how photoshopped to fuck they are. The comparison kills. I think anyone who does this is just a contributor to the problem. It would be really cool if all of these people with big platforms were just REAL and if people don’t like how they really look then they can fuck off! What is even the point of her posting a picture of herself if all of her fans know it’s fake then? Then what’s the whole point of it? We can see what she looks like on videos for her podcast and she looks great. It’s just unnecessary as fuck to do this. Everyone has insecurities but you can’t just blur and shrink them away.

Nah. Someone who has a platform like hers should be somewhat of an example for all of the young girls who follow her. Just like many other influencers that do this shit. She looks beautiful I never said anything bad about her body. It just seems like the absolute opposite thing you should be doing with body dysmorphia issues. If you’re posting a completely different skinnier version of yourself but everyone is telling you how beautiful you look… wouldn’t that make your insecurities WORSE? I’m sick of Facetune being so normalized it’s weird as fuck to alter yourself that drastically and then expect to go out in person and people not to say anything about it. She doesn’t need to do it, NOBODY DOES. Make peace with yourself ☮️

Edit: I’m a 24 year old woman who has body insecurities like every other girl does. I’ve dealt with ED issues as well. It would make me feel worse to constantly upload a fake, skinnier version of myself while people commented on it telling me how beautiful I look. When I know it’s completely fake. That is just not healthy dude

I think that her admitting to posting photoshopped pictures while her fans simultaneously praise a fake photoshopped version of herself is absolutely not honorable. This seems terrible for your mental health. Her fans know her pic is fake, she knows her pic is fake yet she still posts it and accepts all the compliments. She’s not just erasing a pimple she’s literally altering her face and body.

It would be like me posting an AI version of myself that looks way hotter but I tell everyone it’s AI but they don’t care cause my AI is slayyyyying so they like and comment on the pic. Stupid as fuck

I saw someone say it’s ok to do this cause “instagram isn’t real” 💀 it’s like yeah I’m sure that’s what everyone will think when they see you in person looking nothing like ur pictures! How are people not embarrassed to do this

I always see people say “well at least Tana admits she photoshops herself” like ok so just because she admits she does it, it’s ok for her to post a photoshopped to oblivion version of herself? And everyone knows it’s photoshopped but still hypes her up in the comments 😭 I don’t get it

Lemme get a new face 🎭

But that fight was all fake tho she’s just a clout chaser it’d be actually funny if she pulled up some receipts

Oh no!! Some bitch ass on reddit thinks I lack snark! Whatever shall I do 😫😫 I should be more cleaver next time

You guys are taking a comment on an influencer snark sub way too serious. Obviously I know that would never fucking happen. And I never said they should be the only people something like that should be enforced upon. I only know the basics of politics from college political science class I’m not out here claiming to know shit about politics. Chill out. You’re right tho I should’ve just said there’s too many idiots in society that support these dumb ass people

Yall I’m no political expert in any way, maybe I should’ve phrased what I said differently but you get what I’m trying to say.

I suppose if you really research the surgeon. Also I didn’t say Mexico I said Tijuana. I work in the medical field and have heard horror stories. I also know someone from SD who went down there and got a botched af BBL. I’m not saying surgeons here in the US don’t botch but I personally don’t think “plastic surgery” and “cheap” should be in the same sentence. Also whatever surgeon she’s going to should have their license revoked cause she looks like shit

I wouldn’t say I’m a complete socialist. I just hate how these stupid influencers earn this much money for being hoes and I don’t understand it. While people who contribute value to society struggle. Also even if I did vote for a socialist they would never win in our stupid two party system

Lemme get a new face 🎭

People love her on here too it’s so fucking weird like they don’t like the Kardashians for being botched plastic liars but they like this girl who is also a botched plastic liar

No fr can there be some regulation on the money these people get for doing absolutely nothing of value to society? It pisses me off that they make so much money for being stupid and make more than doctors, lawyers, teachers etc

Lemme get a new face 🎭

Fights with Kylie about what? A nonexistent relationship with her baby daddy? It’s funny how you guys think she’s so different from the Kardashians lol with all that plastic and lying she’s so much like them

Lemme get a new face 🎭

Gotta disagree with you here but I guess beauty is a personal preference

She sucks and this is an influencer snark page, if mean comments aren’t for you this probably isn’t the place you should be

Lemme get a new face 🎭

I actually have seen her in person the BBL and the perfectly straight hairline stood out to me most

It’s so fucking annoying she never has receipts for anything!!! Not for Travis,not for medical school not for anything

Lemme get a new face 🎭

Genuine question why do you love a lying, plastic botched bimbo?

Lemme get a new face 🎭

Shes beautiful 💀 lol pls