They probably burnt the tapes as soon as they raided the place.

If true,there’s no way they bring down Trump,Clinton,Gates,etc,etc.all at the same time.

They have blocked investigating Biden at every turn.

Humans are the only mammals that drink milk after they are infants.

I can remember my mom only buying 1 sugary cereal once in a while.

There was a girl who died of malnutrition at 31 because she only ate fruit & vegetables.

Did you find any gophers yet ? I found 2 on screen 3

"I'll be trying to put more pressure on (the government) to ... give us what we want."

Who are they to demand anything ?

Can you take your Psycho Convention outside please ?

So you can live here for 10 years,have no earned income & you can get OAP ?

McDonald’s patties on their own have no taste.

Wendy’s chicken nuggets taste better than McD’s

Last year,In Canada they named a McFlurry after one of the Toronto Raptors.

I go to BK & just order a Whopper without mayo.On a Whopper Wednesday They are so use to people ordering a meal they get that strange look when you say no. And no to cheese or bacon.