It’s my birthday too, but I am older that ya. Happy birthday.

I’m a super packer fan born in the late 70s such that I was taught to love molitor an yount at a young age, but yeah, give it to the kid.

I remember watching Jesus vs. Santa my senior year in the yearbook production classroom. I had a evolving sense of humor (boosted by Adam Sandler they’re all gonna laugh at you album). I laughed so hard i cried. It was the funniest/most shocking thing I had seen to that point of my life. Circa 1997.

He is up there with Keanu where I can’t think of a single reason to not love the man.

Yep chud. Confirmed. Too late chud, we already know your name and we are done listening.

I had a stick once, put the damn libs took it from me! /s

I will start the bidding at 2 fruit roll ups and a playboy from 1993 I found by the creek…

You could be correct and I’m ignorant about it but given the laugh/cry face, that’s where my mind went.

2nd grade. I remember thinking what are we watching this newscast and why, then why are we no longer watching so abruptly and why are the adults crying.

I think it’s a somewhat tasteless reference to the movie contact where the ship was tampered with by religious zealots.

He once wrestled a grizzly into submission then felled a cherry tree onto the bear before single handedly writing the Declaration of Independence and constitution at the same time…At which point he leaped in the waiting crowd at the constitutional convention… I mean it’s written somewhere.

This technology needs to be used for new elevators at hospitals. You would get up to the needed operating room so much faster that traditional shaft elevators!!!

Your son is tough as nail as are you and your family for getting him through this. You guys should be Packers fans now!

“‘‘Twas at that exact moment, he had realized, he had done fked up…”

Yes. In reality, in a sense, isn’t all beef expiring?

I have eaten cicadas at a cicada party before. I tried them, fried, grilled, and dipped in chocolate. Best I can describe them is like eating pumpkin seeds. Not a whole lot of flavor, but lots for crunch from the exoskeleton.


Progressive statues are far better than confederate losers! More female big dick energy needed in the south yo!

I am 44 and only have bought packs, soooo how is this possible? Feel like I would have selected the pack that is significantly larger than sed peers.