Nothing wrong in proposing shortly after you've started dating.

Nothing wrong with elaborate public proposals either.

Both things can be super romantic and lead to a happily ever after as long as the couple is on the same page. This clearly wasn't true in your case.

Your partner should know you enough to know your likes and dislikes. If they don't, you aren't at the proposal phase. Maybe he thought you were ready and he made a mistake. However, his reaction to your rejection is what makes him an AH and not worth dating leave alone marrying.


Glad the miserable ones lost this one. People really need to learn to live and let live.

If you had a human baby, would you bring the newborn baby home and put it on the bed with your son? If your son is sick and you don't know what's wrong with him, would you just wait for his next appointment to take him to the doctor?

Animals are the same as humans (in terms of needs and care). A baby animal needs as much care and responsibility as a human baby. You should NOT get another pet till you and your son haven't educated yourselves properly on how to look after the baby animal you bring to your house and make a part of your family.

I've seen ads of a farming game where they seem to make a lot of money. I suppose he saw similar ads and thought they reflected reality.


Your gf has already shown you what life with a dog will look like. Growing up, I had a family dog (I was much younger than your gf). I used to walk the dog, I used to bathe the dog, and I would feed the dog (my parents only did things for the dog when I was at school).

The whole point of a family pet is that the family looks after it. It teaches kids responsibility, how to treat animals, love/respect, etc.

Don't get a dog with her, if you absolutely must get a smaller breed and be ready to do the extra work if gf slacks off.

Don't know why whilst reading your comment, I imagined you as an adult man and the neighbour as a kid. Even when I was reading the part about his mom and you going through his room. Gave me a good chuckle.

Don't know if Millie and EB are dogs, cats, or humans. Either way, I don't know why OP is mildly infuriated when they are equally disgusting and ignorant as the other person.

Does anyone know what material the green stuff is made of?

Flock of sheep. Herd of cows.

Funnily enough, a group of tortoises is called a creep.

Also, it's OP who's comparing her kid to a pet. The other person simply said that they are pet parent, they didn't say that their kid and OPs kid are the same.

I know some people are crazy enough to compare pets and humans, but honestly, most people who call themselves pet parents simply call themselves parents to pets they consider their children. It's mostly others who jump the gun like in this case and think that all pet parents are crazy and are comparing their pets to kids.

People need to learn to live and let live. I'm going with NAH because OP didn't voice her misconceptions out loud.

This isn't cute. This is horrible and is only done for Internet clout.

My friend had a wolf dog that growled and lunged at her son. She found an older man who wanted and kept the dog. They are both happy (man and dog).

Maybe before jumping to euthanasia see if you can find someone who fits the bill. Be upfront and straight with them about all the problems so they know what they are getting into.

Post on local groups, talk to colleagues, friends, Co workers, you never know who may know someone who may want your dog.

If it looks fine, smells fine, and tastes fine, it's ok. That's what I do, don't really go by best by dates. I've had food get spoiled before the date and food be perfectly fine past the date. The rule is the same for raw and cooked food.

I was a bratty 20 year old who told a homeless man to go away cause he asked for food and the place didn't accept cards. I only had enough cash for one thing, and I was hungry.

It's been a little over a decade, and I still feel horrible. Once I'd eaten, I realised that my hunger was short-lived. I could have waited long enough to find a place that accepted cards. That man could have been hungry since god knows when...

I don't understand people who can't empathise. We've all felt intense hunger at some point in life. Most of us are lucky enough to have the means to resolve that issue ASAP, but how can you not understand someone going through that without the ability to be able to solve it? Leave alone, turning a blind eye to it. How can you mock their situation?

That'd adorable but I'm surprised they didn't step on his feet.