None, other than poor recovery from lack of sleep. But my sleep issues are unusual.

I’m a runner, and I take it. It causes me sleep disturbances so I space it out longer than usual. I take it every 2-4 weeks. No issues so far.

Agree! Not only that but there are so many hard to quantify factors in a trail run. OP may be capable of 17 miles, but what about 17 miles in intense humidity, or having to climb over 40 fallen trees, or multiple miles of talus? That kind of thing takes a toll well being the mileage traveled.

In terms of drop, you’re doing it the right way. I would be more concerned if you went straight to RUNNING in zero drop.

If you’re experiencing issues with soreness, I would suspect the Altra shoes, but not because of drop. Altra shoes have a very sloppy fit in the midfoot and an unstructured heel counter. That kind of instability plays havoc with your balance and coordination.

Remember, a shoe is a prosthetic and should function like an extension of your body. If you wouldn’t fit a sloppy fitting prosthetic leg, you should wear a sloppy fitting shoe.

Topo shoes are a much better choice for zero to low drop shoes with a foot shaped toe box.

Can someone explain this? I’m out of the loop.

The only thing that really stands out to me is that you went from zero to 60 mile weeks in 10 months. I might expect this from a young person. How old are you?

Nothing else seems really out of the ordinary. However, you need to fuel with carbs and replace electrolytes while you run, along with water. A lot of us like tailwind because it covers all the bases.

The kind of distance you ran today is the distance where it’s hard to keep up with hydration, even if you’re drinking the whole time. It’s a challenge. You could just be a bit dehydrated and low on electrolytes.

For now, go buy yourself some Gatorade or Pedialtye and drink till you feel better. Keep eating and drinking water.

It’s normal if your pee is more yellow than normal. If it’s brown or pink, go to the ER.

The “Ana” here is used for emphasis, like saying “I myself am Palestinian “ instead of “I am Palestinian “

I’m an Arab you stupid hasbara troll

Egyptian Diaspora 🇪🇬/🇺🇸

The literacy rate is much higher in urban areas where power is concentrated.

Egyptian Diaspora 🇪🇬/🇺🇸

Translation: because of social media, regular people can now see how hypocritical, self-serving and damaging to national sovereignty the policies of former colonial countries are.

Good riddance

So fucking do something you murderous ghoul

They’re so bonded and affectionate. Normal touch isn’t enough. They want to be part of you.

PRI is based out of the Midwest. Should be plenty of folks around.

Where do you live? You can find a trainer through the PRI website and also via Google. Most of them in the US accept insurance.

If you have been to a doctor to rule out any more serious causes, I'd recommend you find a PRI trained physical therapist for an evaluation and treatment plan.

This is a comment I wanted to make. OP went into a volatile situation with nothing but a lethal option, then sat on his thumbs while the threat came to him. Threat was the kids dad, drunk but unarmed.

This sub is kind of into being technically correct. Well, you could have been technically correct and still traumatized your kids, permanently deafened them, and ruined your relationship with them. Maybe your marriage would have ended. Maybe the same cops who didn’t think the drunk was a serious enough threat to arrest would have thought YOU were unjustified shooting.

Don’t put yourself in dirty, volatile situations where you feel like you have no option but lethal force. You are, presumably, intelligent, employed and a caring husband and father. Fucking act like it. Your duty is not only to whether a shoot was legal, but to the physical and psychological well-being of your wife and family.

Time for some introspection, I think.

They express the same level of delusion as US policymakers explaining their support for Israel.