Maybe not, but a lot do. No harm if they do add it in any case.

If you're still experimenting, a low cost option that has a good reputation and does not overwhelm you custimization and features, try

Horrible. I did not think cycling was allowed there, or was it a motorcycle?

Thanks all. I will dig into driving op the back side of the front range. My brother used to live in Leadville, so it would be interesting to see.

I should add we are headed off to craters of the moon and Yellowstone after this, which is why we approached RMNP from the east.

Not me (l am a geologist, who marketed weather solutions), but do go for it. As the climate changes there will be more and more opportunities in this area. Be aware, to be the best, it is as much data science as anything else.

Check if the weight is not far off from specs or if a light hammering a light hammering moving away from it goes from a thud to something more higher pitched. If either is true it could have absorbed water there. If not, patch and go!

Fall Roadtrip part 1: ideas?!

We have 10-12 days to drive from Las Vegas to Rocky Mt. Nat. Park in early Sept. What would you recommend we see, drive and and where to sleep? (We are doing the classic Grand Canyon-Arches-Zion loop in late Oct. )

We have car, and stay in Hotels/AirBnBs. We want to have a few nice places to spend 2-3 night mixed with short and long drive (max 4 hours?) days. We like quirky towns, etc., fascinating scenery and short max medium difficulty hikes that lead to something interesting. We need to avoid dirt roads where possible (Rental SUV). We are trying to be conservative with our budget

The below is an idea of a route. Its about 24 hours driving. We could make it longer but not more than 4-6 hours.


Wake-on-Lan alternativeAdvice/Other

For those whose PC lacks WoL option: You can, as described here (goes to another to reddit post), use a smart plug to wake your computer when powered off. But WoL will still not work if your computer is in Sleep mode. But it seems it will work if its hybernated.

What I did was turn off all power setting that would sleep my PC, and where possible, replaced it with a hibernate option. Thus, for example, in the Power Options advanced setting, under sleep, you set Sleep After to ´never´ and then use the next in the list ´hybernate after´ instead.

So far, but only today, I have been able to wake my computer twice after it has gone offline, using the smart plug approach.

Quick maybe useful note: Given WoL will not work if your computer is in Sleep mode, it will work if its hybernated.

What I did was turn off all power setting that would sleep my PC, and where possible, replace it with a hibernate option. Thus, for example, in the Power Options advanced setting, under sleep, you set Sleep after to ´never´ and then use the net in the list ´hybernate after´ instead.

So far, but only today, I have been able to wake my computer after it has gone offline, using the smart plug approach.

Orban became the president of the Council of the European Union on 1 July. I would assume that has something to do with it.

PS. It's a 6 month rotating role, where he is responsible for "defining certain priorities, organizing debates between member countries and seeking compromise among them on legislation under consideration, all while remaining an impartial mediator. ".

We will see.

Yeah, on Windows I have notice a distinct reduction in UI performance since the last update or two. I am hoping its a glitch at my end and not the app getting too big.


What platform/Device? I can, using the Android and Windows app.

I did not watch. I only drove this in the pitch dark. It was very eerie, only seeing black to the side of the road. Thus year we will see it in the daylight for the first time, so I want to enjoy it that way.


Just wanted to summarize what was covered here, and add few extra ideas. I know this is list is far from complete...

  • Tasks: Snooze for Reminder
  • Sketch: improve performance to match other hand-note apps
  • Tags: Make "add tag" to note type ahead intelligent like other typeaheads where where it shows
  • Headings:  remember "set new default" for future notes
  • Headings: fix color change also changes color of text
  • Headings: fix font size change changes size of Normal text too
  • Editing: More (eg system) fonts
  • Editing: More colors (preferable entire range)
  • Editing: More font sizes
  • Home: enable sizing widgets in two dimensions
  • UI: Tabs for folders and Notes
  • UI: F-key or such to completely collapse hierarchy in sidebar
  • Tasks: Subtasks
  • UI: reduce padding overall (maybe make it an option)
  • UI: Colors for Notebooks and Tags
  • Editing: Links to search (in note body)
  • Cross-Platform: Consistant UI
  • Editing: pop-up asking if you want to add tags (as an option)
  • Template: Daily Note customization

Regarding "quickly adding a task to calendar" can you explain? It is possible, on my windows system at least, to create a task, using the usual button, with a date, and it turns up on my calendar.

I thought of this possibility - a boat with a choice of inboard or outboard.

But? I got my Dutch citizenship and did not lose a kilo!

I wish I was young cool.

How to post on Tamingthetrunk?

I wanted to post on the Tamingthetrunk form, but after adding my name, handle, etc, it said I had something wrong, but I do not see what....?!?!

I will add to my own post... sorry...

Tasks. I really, really, want to see tags work for tasks. This would almost let me move my task planning to Evernote. Also I would like to be able to add links to other Notes in the description, like we can in normal notes.

Time for Evernote to stop adding new features and fine tune existing ones?

I like Evernote. The new features are cool, but I am frustrated by the limitations of many existing features.

I would like to see them start a (parallel) focus on these.

Examples (what are yours?)

  • Font and Header formatting. There are a ton of limitations on font type, size, colors etc. What is maybe most irritating is the inability to redefine, globally, the header format.
  • Daily (and other?) templates. I love the daily note I can add, but I am forced to use the Evernote template... I want my own.
  • Tags first. I would really like if I could choose to have the Tags list before the Folders list on the sidebar.
  • .... I am sure I have more, but this is a spontaneous post, so only the ones that stuck in my head the last week are here... what are you ideas?