This is extremely interesting. Could tremendously reduce coins ready to hit exchanges for a sell.

Great time to ramp up some P2P pool mining equipment.

It also could have supply reducing effects aka supply shock like BTCs halving.

Is it decentralized? And if not how long do we expect the service to run uninterrupted?

Also consider offering your service on Haveno. It's a decentralised replacement for LM.


So the smart thing would have been to sell Monero at the first peak in 2017/2018 and go all in BNB. And I guess Binance did just that + sell even more coins they didn't have.

Luckily we now got rid of Binance. The chart only ever knew one direction. DOWN, Down, down.


For those wanting to study the effects of Binance on Monero.

You still can plot XMR against BNB starting from 2017 on TV.

From peak to bottom Monero lost 99.99% against BNB. Now sitting comfortably at 99.95% unrealized losses.

July as a starting point for price discovery should perfectly line up with Kraken's delisting of Monero in Germany and more liquidity joining Haveno.

Serai might be closer than we think. So it might be another contributor.

Pricewise I am expecting a mediocre June playing with the $150 mark. So the 3M and 6M charts can get ready for a sustained run.

So all in all so far we spent 4.5 years of the 10 years of its existence in boring bottoming territory. The rest is really short lived steep rises and similar sized falls.

At this point I'd recommend a Monero investment for the sole purpose of being a VIP witness of the beautiful chaos (and dismantling of abusive power structures) a consistent sharp rise in Monero's price not accessible on CEX will create in world politics and economics. And also the mind boiling effects on BTC maxis.

No, he's just the good guy in the good guy - bad guy plot.

Don't fall for it. There are only actors on the world stage. And no one has your interests at heart. hat's why decentralization is so powerful. It helps us coordinate what is good for my interests and our interests at the same time.

You were able to use reddit without mail via .onion.

  • The first XMR bottom took exactly 52 weeks
  • The second XMR bottom took exactly 78 weeks
  • The third XMR bottom takes exactly 104 weeks?

Why is that important? Because tonight we finish the 102 week since the first bottom signal. Giving us a break out signal in the second week of June, which nicely correlates with other indicators/the magic $150 mark.

It's another permissioned KYC platform. So no thanks.

Not saying there is no value to meet normies on shitty KYC platforms. But it's much better to build the platforms and share your wisdom and energy where you won't get rugged.

:moons: 0 / 4K 🦠

I don't care what banks have on their balance sheets.

I care what you and me trade for without using the banks. At least that was what got us started and is pushed forward by Monero today.

:moons: 0 / 4K 🦠

The DNM went full Monero since then.

I wonder if we will see similar gains 10 years down the road for the privacy crowd, that can see today that in an AI infested world privacy is the most important asset.

So for real. I really do not expect to meet you privacy and anonymity loving people here any longer. With every wave of restrictions I expect lesser people coming to this place. So would be great to see some prominent advertisement of those spaces here /u/needmoney90

Imagine not supporting the two most useful networks, Be ware the scams. there are plenty in this space.


A good time to start with mining. Profitability just doubled.


Again my account was suspended by reddit. Login via old.reddit is dead for some time. But now even the login via reddittorjg6rue252oqsxryoxengawnmo46qy4kyii5wtqnwfj4ooad.onion is dead.

You need to use a sub like this to be able to login.

It's a matter of weeks until they close the last whole in their rage for identification. In case we never meet again. I say good bye to you all today.

It was a fun ride. And Monero is positioned well to dismantle TPTW. It's not a coincidence that corporate intranet media is closing its gates at the same time Monero gets ready to get rid of third parties.

My account got suspended for over 10 times in the last 6 months. I have had a downvote bot in every sub. I had an upvote bot in r/cc trying to get me banned for vote manipulation. My account is now restricted from posting any OP in any sub without moderator approval.

Anonymous login is a mess. I am so done with reddit. If it still works for you take the torch and point those interested to uncensored platforms of communication. They try to silence us because they fear our message. Be the change and the guiding light you want to see in this world. Always ask, what if I am the one that really makes THE difference? Because YOU do!

Not just on Monero.

The corporate intranet wants to know your ID at all times. There will be a day in the very close future you won't be able to login into your account anonymously any more. That's te day this sub will cease to exist. And it's best to prepare for this day. Best to advertise more inclusive and open platforms today.

Those observing the situation already know that it's almost impossible to anonymously login after being locked or logged out. Get ready to jump.

Reddit is dead.

XMR<>ETH atomic swaps are a thing. Unfortunately nobody so far built a usable UI.

:moons: 0 / 4K 🦠

Haveno fully replaces LocalMonero which is shutting down.