Like some coffee and a nice slice of pie

"Inferred from speeches"

Right. Like his first 'Muslim Ban' which covered North Korea, Venezuela, and several other very non-Muslim countries. It's almost like it wasn't a Muslim Ban at all, and was more of a "People Who Largely Hate Us Ban". Funny how that works...

Honestly the treatment of Star Wars and several other franchises has shown me that when it comes to media, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.

Some have, like Guardians of the Galaxy. On the other hand, he also did The Suicide Squad which was mid at best. He's a fairly talented writer and director, but it remains to be seen whether his talent is enough to get a whole universe off the ground.

DEI and affirmative action are entirely discriminatory practices. There's a reason why the latter was finally shot down by the Supreme Court, and it's precisely because it failed to do the exact thing you are claiming it did.

I'm also not claiming anything to do with "reverse racism", because it's just outright racism. When you deny someone an opportunity on the basis that you prefer a race other than theirs despite that race being irrelevant to their job performance, that's racism. The same applies for sex and any other immutable characteristic as textbook discrimination, and the fact that saying so is somehow controversial in 2024 is astounding.

Luckily, you're wrong. Both about your bizarre accusations and about DEI as a whole. Lord willing it will die out soon before it does too much more damage, and the racists will have to find a new way to put their hatred into the world. Hopefully whatever way they choose is a little more on the nose so well-meaning but misinformed people like you don't get so utterly fooled into supporting the very things you say you hate.

BASED FBI Buzzword

Sorry, I read "Trump did nothing to grow him base" and had to read the rest in an over the top Rasta Mon Jamaican accent. It turned this from sad to hilarious.

"No one is above the law!!"

"Okay, setting aside qualified immunity for cops, and diplomatic immunity for foreign nationals, and the current administration actively refusing to enforce immigration law, when are we going to see Hillary Clinton go to jail for destroying official documents?"

"BuT hEr EmAiLs!!"

It's honestly exhausting at this point. It's just so transparent 😮‍💨

Got banned on that one for reporting a post that was actively encouraging violence against people because the people in question were "chuds" and in the words of the mod "nobody cares".

I did not "equate" DEI to either of those things, I compared it to them. Both are forms of active institutional discrimination on the basis of immutable characteristics. Both are terrible and need/needed to end. Both are even supported by the same political party. Redlining in particular is an apt comparison in my opinion, as it is very similar in effect. Both posit the idea of "let's not kill groups of undesirables, let's just cordon them off and not allow them to succeed so they'll leave on their own". Where we can easily say redlining was worse in terms of severity, I think that can be attributed to its longevity. DEI meanwhile is much broader in terms of scope (encouraging discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, and sexuality), but thankfully seems to be dying off much more quickly.

In fact, solid evidence was presented that her allegations were false. She appeared on a magazine cover wearing the dress the rape allegedly occurred in, but it didn't take long for people to figure out that dress wasn't released until multiple years after the crime allegedly occurred.

Considering the fact that they already used COVID as an excuse to extend the statute of limitations in order to find him "civilly liable" for rape, whatever insanity that was, I highly doubt any new claims are credible. That lady was already the bottom of the barrel.

I'm glad DEI is getting some real pushback. It's discrimination with a pretty coat of paint and needs to go to the trash heap with Jim Crow laws, Affirmative Action, and red lining.

That said this guy seems like a douche.

RFK is too anti establishment. I'm not convinced they actually want Joe, but I don't think RFK was ever under serious consideration

Pretty sure he said the opposite like...last week? In a video about them adding women to the draft he was saying that it's a good thing because having someone with the right to vote but not the responsibility to serve is a problem. There's two ways to solve that, and he was advocating for the one that doesn't take away women's ability to vote.

Happens to the best of us, my dude. Good job for acknowledging it 👍

It is. Just checked and his most recent post is essentially the exact opposite of this

Unfortunately the other guy is right. This is fake. Checked his X and an hour ago (his most recent post) is basically the opposite of this

Unfortunately he's right. An hour ago he posted basically the exact opposite of this

Funny thing is, with super delegates that is an established part of their platform. The party decides who's running, not the voters.

Definitely the Burger King. A bunch of literal monsters vs...a political ideology, and not even a particularly violent one.

BASED FBI Buzzword

The illegitimate Supreme Court made history today by releasing their decisions, for the first time in recent memory, using the written English language!! This white supremacy cannot be allowed to stand. Not only are they discriminating against the illiterate, but also against anyone who cannot read in English. This illegitimate and racist court (many of whom were installed by a convicted rapist) all need to resign immediately, except of course for Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown-Jackson who are perfect and have never done anything wrong ever in their lives.

The funny thing is that leftism as an ideology holds two contradictory ideals at its core: that good and evil are subjective, and that everyone who disagrees with them is also objectively evil.

You cannot say that the regressive cultures of the middle east are a bad thing because, well, that's just like your opinion man. Who are you to judge? But if you can't see that Trump is literally the worst thing ever then you deserve for nothing but the worst to happen to you because he is mega Hitler and you must at least be a micro Hitler to agree with his tax policy.