Technically, sure. In practice, the Biden administration has made it pretty clear that they're not interested in prosecuting possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, and even under more conservative administrations, it's not the kind of thing that the DEA would normally waste resources on.

Not at all. Taking controlled substances across state lines without a valid prescription is the same crime, and there's no way to have a valid prescription for something that hasn't gone through FDA approval.

As someone with a flight in 4 hours....this is suboptimal. Thanks for the heads up!

National youth turnout in 2022 was 23%.

That only goes so far as an explanation. If you look at the difference between 2018 and 2022, it's a lot harder to pin the decrease in turnout on anything but people not caring as much.

2020 is a bit of an outlier as well, considering the temporarily widespread access to voting by mail.

I imagine most of the states being parodied don't actually have vehicle inspections. Regular inspections and emissions testing tend to be more of a liberal state thing.

Mostly the US, Canada, and Mexico, with Saudi Arabia clocking in at 5%.

Do either of you have any actual evidence?

Unfortunately that doesn't work for Youtube, which serves ads from the same servers that the content comes from.

No, it's not. It leaves basically every legal marijuana business in violation of federal law, medical and recreational alike.

The steps are the same regardless of which schedule it ends up in.

That's also on the right side of history. There's no contradiction here.

The US support for Israel makes it Americans' problem, whether we like it or not.

That incentivizes fossil fuel cars over EVs.

If you have to go over the speed limit to pass another car, you shouldn't be passing them.

What evidence is there supporting the idea that both are factors?

Even prisoners can run for president, as demonstrated by Eugene Debs.

Agreed, this was the exact opposite of my experience. Where I grew up, cops were more likely to pick on poor people, who disproportionately didn't own cars and instead rode bikes, walked or took transit. That was in a car-centric area, though - cities with higher transit usage tend to have less of that class stratification.

And it would have 2 space/unit parking minimums.

This is exactly my stance. There doesn't need to be a response to this, because they're not wrong. Cannabis is absolutely habit forming and has extremely mild withdrawals. It's up to individual adults to decide if and how that fits into their life.

Because the alternative would force people to reconsider treating their nationality as being core to their identity. If your entire personality is "America, fuck yeah", then you're gonna run into some cognitive dissonance when you're confronted with the entirety of American history.