I have small breasts and I stopped wearing bras 4 years ago. I bought nippies, which are silicone nipple covers. I freaking love them!

Where the hell is MASH, Cheers, or I Love Lucy??

Man...I feel this. None of my weight gain goes to my boobs. All in the arms and gut.

Yes! Processed food is a big culprit. No one gets that large on whole foods only.

My favorite fitness quote" " being fat and sick is hard, but staying healthy and fit is hard too. So....choose your hard. "

Don't come for my bathtub🫸

I thought her hooded eyes were beautiful, it looks like she got an upper bleph. It's crazy how that can change your face so much.

Senorita Bubba

...I'm not talking about her butt? I said "lower back", although, really, it's mid-back. If you zoom in where his hands is, it looks very blurry and odd. Don't get so offended, most pictures are photoshopped.

Senorita Bubba

What in the photoshop hell is going on with her lower back (where his hand is)?

And crazily enough, a lot of falls from attempting to sit on the toilet.

Why do these people look like Sims?

No, but my Mars sign matches my mom's sun sign. We get along great.

I took orchestra from 6th grade all the way until graduation, evenrually ending up in our honors Orchestra. The kids that didn't want to be there brought the sound of our group down so much. It was frustrating, they didn't care they were out of tune or off the beat.

Omg that's hilarious! I wish my game was more chaotic

Born and Xeroshoes all the way baby