What is the Upside Down? My theory on itSPOILERS

Hi everyone! Hope you´re doing good. So, i´m a fan of Stranger Things since circa 2017, when i binge watched Season 1 and 2, and became fascinated with all the sci-fi side of the show - this unknown piece of alien mythology with psychic powers and Lovecraftian aspects in the mixture is so interesting. Basically the great question of all the series have been what the Upside Down - that strange dark copy of Hawkins from where monsters emerge - actually is, what is the origin of this world, and why it´s affecting only Hawkins? We haven't had any answer until Season 4, when Vecna was introduced as the true big-bad and it´s origins as the original test subject Number 001 have been finally revealed!

The link to everything that will be quoted here is at the end of this post, in the "Sources" section.

Now, we known from S4 that in 1979, Eleven acidentally unleashed 001 and he killed everyone at the Hawkins Lab, except for Eleven, who sended him to another world through a red portal. For all these years, 001 have been in this parallel world and this is the meaning behind all the Upside Down threat that emerged in 1983. However, what´s that world which 001 was sended to by Eleven? It´s the Upside Down? Or a different world? Well, in the finale of S4, we see brief flashbacks of 001 arriving at a strange new environment of floating rocks and dark orange sky, where he find the Demogorgons and where he find a cloud of dark particles which was molded into what we known as the Mind Flayer, the monster who attacked Will in Season 2. Michael Maher, the concept artist for ST, published in his site a bunch of concepts of this world which El sended 001 to, and he called it “Dimension X”. Dimension X is the actual in-universe official name for this dimension, as the recent released script of Episode 9 of Season 4 revealed to us. Maher described it as a “strange new environment which One would explore”.

This give hints that this world where El sended 001 in 1979 wasn´t the Upside Down. It´s a completely separated realm. The name is different, the design is different, there´s no spores in the air like in the UD….. and also, in various interviews the Duffer Brothers stated that they always wanted to answer from where these monsters are coming from when they have written the aspects of the mythology. The following quote shows this:

"pretty intricate in terms of what it all means, and where this monster actually came from, and why aren’t there more monsters”.

This is Ross Duffer describing the document they write to explain all the mythology in a interview of 2016. Notice that he says that the document answers where the Demogorgon actually came from, so he´s not native to the Upside Down, and it appears that they always have the idea of these monsters of the Upside Down coming from another world instead. This world only can be Dimension X, where 001 found the Demogorgons and the cloud of particles that would be transformed into the Mind Flayer. Another quote from a recent interview, which proves this:

“So we wrote this document — we spent like a week with our writers just writing out all the mythology and that really is where we really defined what the Upside Down was and where these monsters were coming from and what it all meant”. Again, they talk about answering where these monsters are coming from, so they´re not originally coming from the Upside Down.

So, Eleven sended 001 to Dimension X, a world existing in a different space-time spectrum and dimensional configuration from our world (which is the “Right Side-Up”). In Dimension X there are various alien species, like the vines and the Demogorgons. Also, there´s clouds of dark particles that form super-organisms of hive-mind intelligence. When 001 found one of these sentient beings, he molded it into the Mind Flayer and so created that giant spider-like entity we saw attacking Will in Season 2. Essentially, the Mind Flayer is a extension of Vecna´s psychotic conscience, and this is also what Jamie Campbell Bower, the actor who played Vecna, thinks, judged by the following quote:

“He created the Mind Flayer. That’s his creation, that’s his baby. That is an extension of his spiders that he loved growing up. The Upside Down itself feels like purgatory. It’s this never-ending desert of blood. It’s not blood, but you know what I mean?”.

The Upside Down is frozen at Nov 6, 1983, as we saw in S4. What this mean? This mean that the UD is not a active world copying Hawkins all the time, but rather, it´s a exact copy of Hawkins from Nov 6, 1983, the day which Eleven touched the Demogorgon and opened the Mothergate. I think that the UD was created in this day: when Eleven, at the Right Side-Up, touched the Demogorgon, from Dimension X, the two worlds touched and this created a finite world which is a mixture of Hawkins with Dimension X. The UD is this "amalgamation" of Hawkins with Dimension X, as it has vines and a dark atmosphere like that parallel dark dimension which Henry was sended to.

The brane-world concept of physics can very well explain how these dimensions works in ST. According to Oxford Dictionary of Physics, this is:

“A theory in which the four space–time dimensions of the universe that are apparent make up a surface, called the brane, in a higher-dimensional space–time, called the bulk”.

As i have understand it, the structure of our reality is organized in four dimensions, making a brane that defines the boundaries of our dimensional spectrum. However, we can have worlds existing in another branes, in another dimensional spectrums different to the spectrum of our reality, we can have worlds existing in realities organized in MORE than four dimensions, and we can´t see or access these parallel worlds. Dimension X is one of these worlds. The brane of our reality is separated from the brane of Dimension X by that strange hell-like environment which we´ve seen Henry falling before arriving at Dimension X. Michael Maher calls it “the Hellscape”, and describes it as a inter-dimensional space, so, this space of red lightinings and clouds is what separes the Right Side-Up from Dimension X. It´s a space between dimensions, between worlds.

When Eleven touched that Demogorgon while in the Void, the branes of Right Side-Up (only in Hawkins region) and Dimension X touched each other, breaking the Hellscape in that area and creating a fusion between Hawkins and Dimension X. While researching, i found a site called “Elwyns Big Bang Page” with a page explaining more deeply the brane-world cosmology, and here there´s a interesting idea with fits very well with my idea of the creation of the Upside Down:

“collisions between braneworlds can manifest themselves as big bang like beginnings, yielding universes that are parallel in time.”.

The collision of the brane that makes up the reality of Hawkins with the brane of Dimension X created a new finite universe parallel in time, the Upside Down!

Chris Trujillo, producer for Stranger Things, said something on a interview of 2017 to IndieWire that seems to fit very well with this concept of the Upside Down being a fusion between the two worlds, created when El touched the Demogorgon:

“Essentially, at the moment that the rift was formed and [unleashed] the monster, this dark dimension overlaps with the Hawkins’ world and it gets inflected with the vines and the spores”.

Chris said even more on the spotlights of Season 4, which puts even more credibility to this idea:

“The moment that the Upside Down was created inadvertently by Eleven, the set dressing and the world of the Upside Down is frozen in that moment”.

The Upside Down is frozen on Nov. 6, 1983, so it´s basically confirmed that it´s creation occurred on this day, when El touched the Demogorgon.

In a interview to GoldDerby, when asked about that strange world where Henry was sended to, Trujillo answered the following:

“In a way the Upside Down is almost this kind of amalgamation of this alternate dimension…..where we discover that Number One gets kind of pushed into this separate dimension….he essentially realizes that ‘oh i can use what i´ve found here..to sort of, create this world of my own’…and ultimately kind of land and wait for the time when the dimension opens up again..”.

So, it is basically confirmed that the creatures we´ve seen attacking Hawkins are, in fact, native from Dimension X, and that Henry created an army of monsters and then planned to contact Hawkins reality again, probably by putting a Demogorgon on Eleven´s void, creating the Upside Down, which is a amalgamation between Dimension X and Hawkins.

I think that the physics of the Upside Down works in this way: if you turn a light "on" in Hawkins, at the Right Side-Up, the energy charge running is not sufficiently to also move particles at the Upside Down in a way that also turns this light ´´on´´ in this parallel world, but, this event chain created by energy charge running at our world can move some electric particles at the Upside Down, creating a field of shiny particles around the Upside Down version of the light that was turned ´´on´´ in Hawkins! This field of shiny particles, if manipulated physically, can also move particles at the Right Side-Up, by this way, you can change light at Hawkins by manipulating this field of particles at the Upside Down, and this is what Will had done to communicate with Joyce using lights in S1!

This field of shiny particles is always around the Upside Down version of a light that has been turned "on" at Hawkins, as showed in S4E7.

With regard to how that whole hive-mind biology works, i think that Henry transcended his conscience into that cloud of dark particles. So, the dark particles now have Henry´s conscience on it, then any live being infected with the particles will also absorb part of Henry´s conscience and enter this hive-mind. That cloud of dark particles probably was a sentient being with a natural power of hive-mind, Henry only infected this hive-mind with his conscience and turned it into a monster that represents his thoughts and motivations. To truly end Vecna, i think there´s a need to destroy every piece of it´s conscience that is transcended: his physical body is only a way of manifestation to the real world, but he can also manifest through the particles. His mind is shared by every being he infected, so if we simply kill his physical body, he still will return in other ways.

When the Upside Down was created, a giant infectious gate naturally grown at the lab in Hawkins, and i think that a gate of the same kind also opened at Dimension X. Through this gate at Dimension X that Vecna sended the Mind Flayer to the Upside Down, but he probably wasn´t able to send any physical monsters, including himself, to the Upside Down, not until this gate at Dimension X have grown significantly, and this only ocurred some time at Season 3 or Season 4, when Vecna finally was able to pass physically to the Upside Down. The Demogorgon in S1 also had the ability to open mini Upside Down gates through Hawkins, and this probably is a ability that he absorbed due to it´s contact with Eleven in the void.

TL;DR: The Upside Down is a finite world created in November 6, 1983, when Eleven, while in the void, touched the Demogorgon. Upside Down is not a active world copying Hawkins all the time, rather, it´s a exact copy of Hawkins at the time it was created, mixed with the environment of Dimension X, the world where Henry was sended to by Eleven in 1979, and where he found the vines, the Demogorgons and that cloud of particles which later would be the Mind Flayer. When Eleven touched the Demogorgon, occurred a inter-dimensional contact between a being existing in the structure of the reality of Hawkins, at the Right Side-Up (Eleven), with a being existing in a different dimensional spectrum in another world, at Dimension X (the Demogorgon). The dimensional structure of the Right Side-Up touched the structure of Dimension X and this created a finite world that is a mixed copy of the two. This is the Upside Down. The existence of the Upside Down allowed Vecna to have some way to access Hawkins reality again and start his revenge.

What do you think about this? Any opinion and criticism will be greatly appreciated!


https://www.michaelmaherjr.com/dimension-x https://www.michaelmaherjr.com/hellscape

These are links to the concept arts of Hellscape and Dimension X in Michael Maher site.

https://www.flavorwire.com/584827/the-stranger-things-creators-made-a-30-page-document-about-the-upside-down-and-might-explore-it-in-season-2 https://variety.com/2022/tv/features/stranger-things-duffer-brothers-is-will-gay-season-4-1235284214/

These are links to Duffer Brothers interviews where they talk a little about their document explaining the sci-fi lore.


This is a link to Stranger Things S4E9 script - around page 69 it's described the scene of Henry at Dimension X.


This is the definition of the brane-world theory according to Oxford Dictionary.


Another webpage with deep insights into the brane-world theory


Jamie Campbell Bower interview

https://www.indiewire.com/awards/industry/the-upside-down-into-the-scary-1201840622/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igtAjeN-DbY&t=7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U87t0pRIyM&t=404s

Interviews with Chris Trujillo, where he leaks little bits about the Upside Down mythology.

What do you think happened to Jude?SpoilerDISCUSSION 😱

After that end of Vol. 5, i was left with much curiosity on what exactly happened to Jude Murray. He of course probably died, but the way was somehow different than how i imagined an alternate would kill someone. He got awaken suddenly at night, investigated the basement of the house, found N here, tried to run away but eventually N get him and was staring at him closely, apparently giving him visions of someone suffering hanging (Judas from the Bible probably).

The screen glitches very much and then cuts to Jude laying motionless in his bed, imploring for help and saying "he´s inside my mind". I also had the impression of hearing what could be sounds of something breaking while Jude implored for help and told to "stop it please", maybe those were Jude´s bones breaking, much like happened to Adam? If that was the case, it seems like the effects of MAD can be quite painful physically. We are also shown his bottle of Timoril, so i´m kind of confused on what to think....

What do you think happened to him once he made eye contact with N? Does N give those visions or said something to induce MAD, and then Jude overdosed himself on Timoril and then died? Or was it all an hallucination, like a kind of endless sleep paralysis? Is he suffering physical effects from the attack?

This volume did reveal interesting things....we first were showed finally how the Department of Temporal Phenomena is investigating the whole Alternate threat and that they understand it as "temporal bleeding", giving hints as to the possible origin of this whole threat...we have also seen how Jude was supposed to be representative of Judas in Gabriel´s fucked up biblical reconstructions, but he ended up escaping and Lynn take his place in the story, so Gabriel wanted to punish him for that...we seemed another victim of the alternates and how they are pretty cruel in attacking, and we also had the amazing revelation of who was that white text in the end of Overthrone, it was one of the Shepherds which was deceived by Gabriel...

The reveal that N was also the same alternate that attacked the Murrays is also a great reveal. So, in the end i think this volume did reveal a lot of things


I respect your opinion, but I personally don't think that whole arc in current times (2009) involving Adam, Thatcher, Evelyn, Sarah, etc. is that interesting... I think the story from 1992 and directly involving Alternates, Gabriel and the US Department of Temporal Phenomena is much more interesting than seeing a story focused on any other character that we have seen several times and who have already been victims of the Alternates... I much prefer to see the incident at Murray House being better explored and seeing the story of how Jude Murray dealt with the situation after losing his family, because he is a new character with a different story and personality...i´m not saying i hate these characters, it is obviously not the case, i just think it would be kind of tiring to see them every volume, the storyline has to vary sometimes after all

That's why for me this volume was actually the best so far, because we finally saw more of USDTP and Gabriel....I really hope that Alex continues to focus more on these storylines related to biblical lore, the government and showing more new victims of Alternates.

Yes, for sure! It is a 10/10 for me! Also, if you want to have a better understanding of what is going on in this volume, i would recommend re-watching Intruder Alert, MAD and Vol. 333 before, i´ve done that before watching it and it helped me very much in understanding completely the amazing story of this volume :)

The meaning of that scene with Jude and an alternate in the doorSpoilerTheory

So, that scene in Vol. 5 where Jude talks to "Thatcher" by answering the door was a very well-made, creepy, unnerving and interesting one, and i think it provides an explanation for what happened to Jude the next night...

Firstly, obviously that was Thatcher´s Alternate, formed after the Real Thatcher was attacked in Vol. 3 and ended up isolating himself. But more importantly, by answering the door and talking to Alt Thatcher, Jude showed himself as an vulnerable target, not only because the alternate probably recognized him as Adam´s father, but also because of what Jude acidentally revealed by answering this question:

Alt Thatcher: Are you aware of the Television and Mirror Destruction Order?

My interpretation is that the alternate wanted to know if Jude was following the Television and Mirror Destruction Order to know if they could start attacking him through the TV and the mirrors...i mean, if Jude was strictly following this order, the Alternate´s manipulation of TV´s and mirrors would not work, so it was an important information. And Jude give a very suspect answer which for sure caused the alternate to instantly realize that he was not following the order and had a TV there

Then, they started attacking him. After Jude talks with Alt Thatcher, the next we see of him are he being brutally awaken with a red creepy screen on the TV saying "Supposed to be you", and he seeing through the windows of the house (which is technically a mirror i guess) and instantly having a strange feeling and hearding Adam´s cry. That was the same night N appeared to attack him directly, so we can see that only after Jude talked to Alt Tatcher that they begin attacking him.

TL;DR: By talking to Alt Thatcher while answering the door, Jude revealed himself to the alternates, and also made they know that he had an intact TV and mirrors in his safehouse, so they could start tormenting him effectively.

I felt really bad for him...he was just a normal person who probably just wanted to start a normal, happy family, but instead his poor son started being tormented by the Alternates and Stanley. Both he and Lynn knew something was wrong but they couldn't do anything.

Jude also had to "witness" his son being kidnapped by something mysterious and invisible (Intruder), his wife Lynn committing suicide and a bizarre Alternate being summoned into the house. And after all this, he tried to start a new life in a new and risk-free place, but he couldn't even do that...instead he was tormented by the same Alternate that attacked his family that day, dying a harrowing and alone death in that house in the middle of nowhere

This shows how extremely cruel the Alternates and Gabriel are. Also, as a side note, the acting of Michael Vale as Jude Murray was so perfect and great, i could really understand the emotions of the character throughout the video, it was really worth the wait, this volume is a gold piece!!

The best volume released so far. The perfect combination of uncomfortable scenes and it was really the first video to really scare me after I got used to the series. It was worth the wait.

For those who are confused by what exactly happened, it might be worth rewatching the entire series and building a solid understanding of TMC lore to appreciate the interesting story in this volume. I say this without wanting to be rude or anything like that, I understand that it is difficult to remember everything, but this is so far the volume with the clearest and most well-crafted story that I have seen, along with Vol. 3, Mandela Catalyst and Presto

Sure. I was expecting it to release at 8pm in US timezone, but apparently it will be released even more later :(

I´m in hope that he will release it in two minutes lol, because in my timezone it is now 10pm, and in Wisconsin where Alex lives it is now 8pm, and i´m highly expecting it to be released 8pm as the other videos also were

Does anyone have any guesses as to at what time of the day this volume will be released? From what I've seen of past videos, he always released them at 8-9pm, but there were some videos that I remember him releasing in the dawn and at other more random times.

If vol 5 comes out at midnight today (which is technically tomorrow, actually) I'll be VERY happy

Você não está sozinha, de fato esse é um problema muito comum. Essa condição de mal-estar (enjoo, tontura, palidez, etc) que temos com movimentos ou ilusões de movimento (como ocorre no videogame) se chama cinetose, e pode vir a acontecer em viagens de carro, barco, navio, balsa, avião, etc, mais também acontece muito com óculos VR e com videogames.

A cinetose acontece por um conflito sensorial: no caso do videogame em primeira pessoa, a sua visão transmite pro teu cérebro a sensação de que você tá se movendo igual no jogo, mais o labirinto dentro do ouvido, que é nosso órgão do equilibrio, não está sentindo nenhum movimento porque estamos na vdd parados, então o cérebro recebe duas informações diferentes (parado vs se movendo igual no jogo) e isso causa a náusea e o vômito

Obs: cinetose não é doença, todos nós que temos os labirintos dos ouvidos funcionando podemos ter cinetose, a diferença é que alguns são mais resistentes que outros...mais só pessoas sem função dos labirintos é que são 100% imunes (tem um estudo dos anos 60 que fizeram com surdo-mudos sem função do labirinto e eles não sentiram nenhum enjoo mesmo sendo expostos a uma viagem de barco em plena tempestade)

The Nina Project, Massacre at Hawkins Lab and Papa are my favorite episodes. The first for bringing Brenner back, something I was VERY curious to see, and one of the things I most expected to happen in S4. The second for having brought the most important revelation regarding the lore so far, a revelation that was made in a majestic and incredibly exciting way. And the last, but not least, because it explored (for the first time in depth) Brenner's relationship with Eleven and showed how Brenner really is and how he thinks. The only bad thing about episode 8 was that Owens got beaten, I was sad about that :(

I also love imagining this possible sequence of scenes of Brenner surviving the Demogorgon's attack! It's really a shame that they didn't take advantage of episode 8 of S4 to show a flashback to that day.

Discussions about Brenner, Owens and other characters related to ST's government plot always interest me a lot, just not as much as discussing ST's sci-fi mythology and lore, perhaps. How Brenner survived the Demogorgon is an interesting question.

My "headcanon" is that the Demogorgon jumped at Brenner and "scratched" his face using its claws. However, the monster was distracted by the MP's shooting at it, and then went to attack whoever was shooting. Brenner got up and ran, I even perfectly imagine scenes of him running through the school corridors, with his hand on the injured area of his face, similar to how he was in the 1979 HNL massacre

was never much of an artist

I believe this was indeed the "truth" he intended to reveal to Eleven, as you suggested. Maybe he wanted to keep her at NINA longer not only because he didn't want to lose control over her again, but because he also wanted to show more tapes and give more explanations about where the powers come from and tell the story about this alien and eldritch world that he has always been obsessed with studying.

He had an idea of what Dimension X was like based on the description his father gave him, and also through that experiment where he had Henry show him DX. But maybe he didn't know or had never managed to make a portal open between dimensions - so, technically his father went to DX by teleportation as far as we know, just like Henry. In other words, it wasn't through a portal. In that sense, Eleven was the first to be able to open a portal to DX, as far as we know... perhaps that's why Brenner saw it as a discovery, as the realization of something he always dreamed of doing, which is opening a physical portal to this world.

Brenner is very much that type of person which hides his true motives for all costs and kind of disfarces it with "it's all for the good of the nation" arguments. So he very probably never told the numbers about DX, except for Henry. He probably wanted to reveal this to El at NINA slowly but he was unable to do so in time before death come for him.


"Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down" (2018) is, in my opinion, the best ST book ever made, at least until now. It is not a history or tale following an specific character in a spin-off style, but rather its a book fully dedicated in showing the behind the scenes of the production of the series' first and second seasons. It has also pretty cool extra insights on the lore, characters and locations used in the series. It is also an official book, with official extra materials about the series which the Duffers and the production made, such as a map of Hawkins. So, if you are interested in these kinds of things, i would highly recommend this book. It will pretty sure be worth the read! Mine i bought in Amazon in 2019, but i think it is still being sold online to this day.

However, if you are most interested on books with histories focusing on specific characters, "The Other Side" (2019) is one which focus on Will's situation while he was in the Upside Down at S1, it is very well-made and has cool details, "Suspicious Minds" (2019) is focused on Eleven's past at the lab, also very well written and with interesting information, and "SIX" (2019) is a novel focusing on another test subjects at the lab. These are the most interesting and cool books and graphic novels from ST imo. The canonicity of them, however, has been questioned. So if you want a less lore focused but more canonically stable novel, "The Flight of Icarus" (2023) is a pretty cool graphic novel focusing on Eddie's backstory which was written oficially by one of the writers of the series, and thus would be a great choice in this case.

was never much of an artist

Excellent post! It was a very interesting read and I consider it to be the recent post with the most coherent ideas regarding the S5 time-jump!

In fact, I agree with basically everything said in the post about how the time-jump will be organized. It makes 100% sense for S5 to start with a temporary glimpse of what Hawkins was like weeks or at most months after the end of S4. And this has already been sort of confirmed by the Duffers, as discussed in the post. And the perfect excuse for the time-jump to 1987 to occur is that the containment of UD was successful and this made Hawkins slightly return to normal, creating a hiatus where there would be nothing interesting happening for the plot, thus justifying the time-jump to a period of complete resurgence of this extradimensional threat.

Personally, I imagine the cause of UD's decreased growth to be the result of specialized military containment, the return of Max's consciousness (which would theoretically decrease the absorbed psychic force that makes the portals grow), and perhaps a pre-timejump battle in which both main characters and Vecna ​​lose out in a certain way. I think a battle like this would be the perfect device to explain even the scenes recorded in the hospital, possibly with one of the main characters being seriously injured. A battle that causes a change, making Hawkins' situation stabilize and the characters' lives change, the perfect moment for the time-jump to occur.

In summary, it would be perfect and full of sense if the time-jump was structured in the exact way as described in this amazing post!

I'm a big fan of Mandela Catalogue and one of the things that really caught my attention was the whole uncanny vibe both in events related to the altenates and especially Angel Gabriel, who for me is the scariest character in MC!

I would like to ask if you intend to explore and show Gabriel more in future episodes? Do you intend to reveal more about him himself - what is his ultimate plan, his abilities, etc? And of course, how did you create him as the villain of the story? What were the inspirations?

Thank you in advance for your response and of course, I'm extremely excited to see Vol 5, especially after the stop motion teaser released yesterday!


Sam Owens, Henry Creel, Martin Brenner, Stinson and Eleven. Owens is my first favorite character 👍

PS: Before anyone says something like that, just because Brenner is one of my favorite characters doesn't automatically mean I agree with his attitudes in the series. Everything he did is deplorable and without the possibility of redemption, but he is an extremely complex, interesting and important villain for lore and mythology, that is undeniable