Eventually, not everyone is going to answer this question because not everyone is sure about it.

Sometime booking the loss is the one form of making the profit, this is who this place works

No more sneks, plus moon is also not getting any new listing, so everything is just settling here now

Because they are out of the limit at this point of time sorry.

I remembered the old woman who was our neighbor, she really liked to take care of dogs and cats. That's why in his house he has two dogs and five cats.

Lmao, how? I mean this is something that they shouldn't be able to do.

These kind of things I don't really think like any protection is going to work.

Just when i though this month shit posting going to be less worthy, hopium dose for me

Farmer might look poor from outside but inside they are holding their moon crops

Well they are cats, they will do every random stuff in this world lol.

Don't get into crypto if you can't take volatile movement and FUD

I will also get angry on myself as i knew there is something stupid i had done with my seed that allow hacker the entry into my system and steal all the bitcoin i was keeping in my wallet

You're right, to make it more comfortable for the cat to sleep, put its bed on the top of the refrigerator.

You don't deserve to be just an option. We deserve to have someone who understand our situation and love us unconditionally. It is what good people deserve

Wow hold on for a sec buddy are you sure that the dog was a kind of missing

Thank you very much for the advice you have given. It can greatly help people who experience anxiety and adhd.

They can be called The Trio Cutie, these cats are very cute. Take care of them.

Some serious amount of money, we ain't playing around in here.

That's so sad my friend I'm hoping that you will find the right job for you that will pay you the money that you deserve

And it is something of which I have never heard anything.

Now that you have told me I think I am going to look out for it and see how the things can go from here.

thanks god I don't have a habit of keeping crypto on a cex. Watching people flooding like that is always epic

The OP said that she sleep in a king size bed together with her parents.

Still remember that it was toughest time for me in the starting time