And Rhaenyra sneaking around in a habit hiding amongst the nuns was very Assassin's Creed.

I always subscribe to the Roger Ebert theory of remakes: don't remake good movies. Remake good ideas that were wasted in bad movies.

I thought the lore and world building in the prequels was the worst part. An 'Empire' that lasts all of 19 years? Yoda and Chewbacca are old war buddies? Midichlorians? Darth Vader built C-3P0?

Everything I needed to know about the Empire, Luke, Darth Vader and the rebellion was in the original trilogy.

Gotta disagree. The special editions of the original trilogy were signs of worse being yet to come. Retconning, pointless additional scenes, nostalgia knob turned to 11. The prequels took that idea and ran it into the ground. Irredeemably awful.

And they used cameras to film it. They didn't have cameras back then! Totally unrealistic, man.

I was thinking "Flock of Seagulls". Also, why are they wearing vests?

"My child is so smart! They learn things so fast! Must be a genius!"

Little kids' brains are built to adapt and learn very, very quickly. Make no mistake, it's impressive to see language, balance and coordination, social skills, self-regulation, etc. bloom in a child. But it is absolutely common.

Show me the 50 year old that masters a new language or physical feat. THAT'S impressive.

I used to go to a place that did movie karaoke. They'd play a scene from movie with the dialogue muted and you'd say the lines. Similar vibe and lots of fun.

It's in this collection which has a few other fun crossover stories worth reading.

Blow into the cartridge, turn on the 2600 and play. If you want sophisticated graphics check and see how many quarters you have and start walking to the arcade.

I'm with you. It always comes down to setting and gameplay loop to keep me interested. I'm a much bigger fan of environmental storytelling than heavy cutscenes and big exposition and character reveals.

Which is funny because I'm the exact opposite when I watch movies. I like pacing, character building and fell like a lot of the action could be toned down.

That's the way I read it, too. I often have a hard time deciding on which game I want to buy/play because reviews and opinions have to, by definition, be biased. I usually have to scour through a bunch of gameplay videos, a few trusted reviewers and a few randoms just to balance it all out.

Ah, the example I was going to pull. They've been messing with meter, rhyme and expectations for a long time. They've even gone the other way and intentionally constricted themselves with 'Hate the Villanelle'.

Barricade myself in my house and hope everyone is a nice as I am.

Once a week unless there' incident.

That lead synth is completely detuned! Even as a kid I noticed how warped it sounded.

Did you ever have someone tell you about a dream they had? If it doesn't feature you it's somehow even MORE boring.