Two things are true: 1) Biden should’ve never sought re-election and the best chance for a Trump loss in 2024 is a Biden replacement (not Harris), and 2) the western mainstream media is not equip to handle a post-truth populist like Trump, as evidenced by them letting him run his mouth filled with lies for the entirety of the debate with no pushbacks.

And yes, it’s a massive failing of the media to not focus on his lies over calls for Biden to step down.

Seems like just two besties who happen to get horny and made babies.

They realized too late that the media wasn’t theirs to control. Their aims just happened to align for a long time. Trump’s first term showed them that they don’t have to align with DNC anymore, they just need Trump in the news.

Trump in the news = profit

I love what The Boys has become, now both the left and right cultural warriors hate it.

Only average joes who are just in it for the gore are still loving it.

He’s more than slightly conservative these days, though that’s probably also a function of his previous, left-leaning fanbase abandoning him and having to find a new base.

Culture war bullshit aside, neither game will be played or talked about 5 years from now.

At this point, honestly? I wouldn’t mind. The screeching has reached an unbearably annoying level over the most unimportant stuff. Honestly just do that. It’ll be at least slightly entertaining to see heads explode.

It’s a gundam, just the endoskeleton from a master grade. Wait til they add on the actual outer shell.

Weekly column in the Bugle titled My Totally Real Girlfriend From a Parallel Universe That Definitely Exists.

Is it cool to shit on Taylor now?

Is that what the cool kids do these days?

I’m always behind the times with stuff like this. Like with Leo DiCaprio. First it was hip to shit on him during his R+J and Titanic days, DiCrapio etc. Then it fell out of fashion and everyone loves him. And now it’s back to being cool to shit on him, mainly for young gfs.

I wonder if he’ll still be able to keep streaming as a career after this. Obviously no major sponsorships or collars now. But as long as he can still stream from a platform, even if they demonetize him, he can still rely on patreon and other 3rd party sources for income.

Oh no! RLM are now designated Enemy of The Anti-Woke Crusade!

Destroy them at every term! So states the fatwa!

But without hatewatching, how do channels who thrive on SW hate engagement and super chats survive?

That Odin Cap is wild AF. Gj.

So you’re saying if Arrow just graciously failed at the beginning, we wouldn’t have all these CE superhero junk shows pouring out over the years?

Chemtrails made the clouds gay.