There are no gambling strategies that will consistently win money unless you're competing against inferior players in something like poker.

Strategies that limit your risk will lose money slower but more surely.

Strategies exist, like where you consistently bet slightly more than you're in the hole for, which make it likely to end up slightly ahead than behind, but considering the probability of blowing your whole wad those strategies still carry negative expected gains.

The phrase"the house always wins" isn't supposed to be poetic, it's a mathematical fact that you cannot get around. Gamble for fun if you wish (your inevitable losses are the price of entertainment in that case), but there is no possibility of reliably making money by gambling at a casino unless you're counting cards at blackjack without getting caught or fleecing scrubs at poker.

Consider operations research or industrial engineering programs. More application-driven than what you'll see in a lot of stats departments, although you'll run into people here and there with shoddy fundamentals.

I mean, BG3 rules are better. RAW 5e barbarians out here grappling ancient dragons with the strength of their legendary quads and surviving falls from terminal velocity but somehow their ability to jump is only that of an irl Olympic athlete? Absurd.

BG3 knows what's up - I'm out here trading blows with devils from hell, of course I can hurdle a small house.

Experience with smoked tea / lapsang souchong?

Hi all,

Been getting into tea recently. Green seemed to agree with me, had some of the best poops I've had in some time while working my way through a bag of jasmine-infused green tea. Black tea hasn't seemed to move the needle much at all.

But the other day I picked up some lapsang souchong, which is a smoked teap, green tea harvested and then oxidized by smoking which absorbs this really rich smoky aroma and leaves this mildly resinous feeling in my mouth with a delightful aftertaste.

Today though my gut isn't feeling so good. Nothing crazy, just more frequency, worse consistency, gurgling sounds, you get the picture. Could be incidental - had a minor flare recently and just stepped down my budesonide. But I'm wondering if the smoke constituents is messing with my gut.

I'm thinking about taking a little break from the lapsang souchong and maybe trying again in the future to check if the feeling strikes me but I'm wondering if anyone else here has had a similar or better experience after drinking lapsang souchong to help inform my gameplan.

Edit: As my day continues I continue to feel worse. Not ER worse but my whole last mile feels terrible. Advising my fellow crohnies here to avoid smoked teas.

Imo their marketing game is on point, giving them greater brand awareness than better-value picks, letting them sell it for more than it's worth. It's not bad, but it's just not worth buying and coasts on purchases by the bourbon-curious who don't have the palate or drinking frequency to seek better value.

Imo their marketing game is on point, giving them greater brand awareness than better-value picks, letting them sell it for more than it's worth. It's not bad, but it's just not worth buying and coasts on purchases by the bourbon-curious who don't have the palate or drinking frequency to seek better value.

She told you to vent to her and then responded like that? That's extremely whack. Like if you have a pattern of getting upset hearing about other people's troubles then that's certainly something to work on but I don't get the impression you were the problem in this interaction.

I liked the core concept but after a while the combat being on a timer got to be anxiety inducing.

Turn based jrpgs (emulated console classics are good if money's tight, otherwise the new octopath is pretty sick)

Chill hack n slash or beatemup games - free options include warframe and genshin impact

NTA validating people's feelings is a moral obligation for those who care about them, not for people who just got rear-ended by them. If she's adult enough to drive, she's adult enough for damaging someone else's property not to he her pity party.

People in this thread are being ridiculous and ignoring the context that she's the one who fucked your day up.

People are constantly telling me I make the best margarita.

Four parts tequila (cheapest 100% agave additive - free option available, usually Espolon Blanco or Hornitos)

2 parts fresh-squeezed lime juice

1 part Cointreau

1 part agave nectar

Shake with ice, serve without ice in glass with kosher salt rim (put salt in a saucer, rub flesh of a spent lime over rim of empty glass, place rim down on saucer and rotate)

It's literally the recipe

Mathematics of tea extraction?Question/Help

Hi all,

Just starting to get properly into tea and I've been experimenting a little with gongfu style brewing using a jasmine green tea I picked up from a local shop. Brewing in a Teavana gravity brewer, 3g with short 60ml steeps.

Without much experience, I'd been expecting extraction rates to be directly proportional to unextracted solute content in the tea, which if true would lead to exponential decay in extraction rate. Now, I gave been measuring tds or anything, but I've been aiming for a subtlely sweet cup and trying to avoid a grassy astringency that I've interpreted as a sign of excess extraction.

It seems as though, contrary to my expectations, there's an initial peak in extraction followed by a sharp but short-lived decline, followed by a somewhat steady extraction rate as the decrease in available solute is compensated for by the increasing hydration of the tea leaves, and only when the tea leaves are fully hydrated an unfurled, bearing a striking resemblance to collard greens, do we start to see exponential falloff in extraction rates.

Have people done the math on this and fit the extraction process to a differential equation or done some other data-driven analysis?


No, speaking as a professional research scientist you usually put up a landing page with metadata and a download link because it's well known that forced downloads are contrary to cybersecurity best practices.

It's only going to get better if she's willing to put in the effort. If she's treating you with cruelty, you don't need to accept that. BPD makes things hard, but it doesn't excuse cruelty.

It's also not your job to regulate her emotions for her or fix her problems. Empathetic listening is good, but any further becomes destructive. It doesn't work and you need to fight that impulse.

It's her responsibility to seek treatment and recovery. In the absence of that, or in the absence of the humility needed to work to improve her own condition in the long term and to treat you with dignity in the near term, you'd have to cut your losses and bail - those things are prerequisite to getting better and in their absence it can only get worse.

Healthy explicit boundaries and explicit communication of needs is important. Setting aside time for communication of these things with turn-taking and active listening without cutting the other off has been good for my marriage. Trying to manage each other and anticipate each other's needs (ie read their mind) doesn't work. Unspoken expectations don't work.

There is no ibd panel. There's crp which is almost useless and there's fecal calprotectin which is decent, with the only conclusive indicator being a scope.

Take these questions to your gastroenterologist. If you don't have one, get one - your primary is out of their depth here.

Esh you should not refuse to wear what's asked by the person who literally invited you to the event, but she shouldn't have even let you join her if she was going to be pissy afterwards

Hey just reporting back to say I hit up Friday Afternoon as my first stop on my tea adventure (love that it's open late enough to stop by after my 9to5) and it was awesome. Picked up some extremely dope tea and got enough info from Greg to comfortably start picking introductory stuff up from online. Taking notes on my brew times, experimenting with gongfu style, going ham on it.

Thanks so much!

Self-diagnosis is irresponsible. If you think you have any particular diagnosable mental illness and want to check, get a formal evaluation with a trained and licensed professional.

From personal experience, I was incorrectly "diagnosed" bipolar when an inept psychiatrist talked to me for 15 minutes and spent the next 15 minutes talking at me about meds which wouldn't end up working because I wasn't bipolar.

An actual formal evaluation is a multi-step process including multiple choice surveys, unstructured interviewing, and a phase of testing I forget the name of but includes inkblot and similar things.

Don't decide you have a serious illness based on social media.

What the fuck is up with your first link? It's a shitty .net page that forced a download

What the fuck is up with your first link? It's a shitty .net page that forced a download

Two problems with smoking weed regularly. The obvious is that your other self-regulatory mechanisms need practice in order to get better and not effectively atrophy. The other problem is that regular cannabis consumption down-regulates endocannabinoid production so your sober state becomes the opposite of high rather than just neutral.

Personally I self-medicate on an occasional basis as a little vacation from having to try so hard to feel normal but try to get through most days sober as an investment in building important skills.