Wow, what a nice, high quality website! Thank for sharing! :)

Yikes! Glad everyone was okay!

Found it!

That's looks pretty awesome :D

It also looks like it would take up a lot of space in my carryon, though XD

I wonder if it would possible to make a lighter version with straps but without the pillow (so it just uses the existing pillow that's in the airplane seat). I'm also tempted to experiment with stuff like this, but I generally don't, 'cause I'm worried about accidentally strangling myself while I sleep '-_-

Not gonna lie, the first few seconds of the satellite release in the YouTube video looked pretty much like this 😂

Thanks, I'll make a note of that! :) I haven't even started on a mobile app, though. I think u/nphxx was working on one for, but I imagine that's a ton of work, haha.

I stared at this for a while before realizing it's an image instead of a video XD It always looks like stuff is moving so slowly in space, anyway...

Haha, ya, I guess so! XD

I have found the perfect use case for mine, though: wearing it on long (usually international) flights. Perhaps because I'm sitting up, it doesn't dig into my eyes much that way, and coupled with earplugs, it definitely makes it easier to sleep! :)

(Actually, my usual routine for international flights is a Manta sleep mask, earplugs, and headphones over the top of the earplugs. The headphones aren't plugged in; they just provide an extra layer of sound insulation. It works pretty well! Now if I could just find something that actually kept my neck from snapping forward when I fall asleep... XD

Play Reload Zero Build! It's even on the OG map! :)

You know, it's funny, the season where they introduced bullet drop was the first season where everything clicked for me, and I actually kind of liked the bullet drop! XD I was pretty new to the game at that point, though. Now that they've brought OG back out, I'm loving the no-bullet-drop weapons, too! ^_^

Ooh, a lilliputian sort of thing!

And yet another option is to check if they're already on :)

I've heard that Americans, in general, get most of their antioxidants from two sources: coffee and beer. So if one cuts out coffee...

I dunno... I don't really mind it if McDonald's asks if I want to super size my meal or tells me about a special that they're having at the moment :)

Oh ya, no argument about London's public transportation :)

I'm more responding to the fact that ProductPetty accuses BigBadgers of lying, being lazy, and being entitled XD