People knocking on my door at any time of day gives me really bad anxiety. Even if I'm expecting someone, it freaks me out. And a lot of the time people knock super loudly for whatever reason. Maybe it's just the acoustics in my apartment that make it seem loud, idk.

But yeah, don't open your door for anyone at night unless you're expecting them. I'd definitely suggest getting a ring camera. My ex had one that would say out loud "camera recording" whenever someone would come to the door.

That's fair 

Yeah that make sense, I remember the beginning being greentext.

There's another story about goatman on nosleep that I really like. The one where a woman is camping alone and she hides from it in the porta potty.

Lol I sorted by controversial and I knew someone was gonna say goatman. I actually love that one, it's my favorite creepy. 

I don't love how much cursing is in it though. Not that I typically give a single poop about it, but I swear he said "fuck" in every sentence.

I shouldn't even comment on this post because my depression never goes away. Never.

There are periods where I am very slightly less depressed, mostly situational, and then periods that last months or even years where every thought I have is centered around being completely worthless as a person and desperately wanting to commit suicide. 

I have been on some sort of medication for it for 15+ years, and I have been seeing therapists. Nothing helps. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. Only sadness and pain and self harm until one day I either get lucky and die in an accident or from some disease, or I finally muster the courage to kill myself.

Nah not particularly. It could be better but for the average person it's fine.

ITT: Some seriously delusional and pathetic people

Admittedly I never saw the third movie, mostly cuz I just lost interest. 

But yeah they could've done pretty much anything other than what they did with him and it would've been better. 

That could be said for the whole series really.

Also be sure to not touch any staircases you find in the forest 

Important distinction. A lot of people don't think about this. 

Well, I don't know about a lot, but at least some.

So I take it you haven't seen The Descent? 

Damn. Great movie.

Thank you for this post.

I feel as strongly about this issue as I do about declawing.

Thank you. 

You seem like a caring person. 

I'm sorry to hear about all the suffering and mental anguish you and your late partner have gone through. I suppose my original comment was a bit crass. I wasn't expecting you to read it I guess.

Take care.

I've always thought she is very emotionally intelligent. 

She always seems to know when I'm sad. 


I've always loved the way her fur glows in the sun.  

I got a silly pillow of her made from that picture. 


This was a complex that mostly housed college students and the spring semester had just ended. A lot of people were moving out.   

The first time I saw her, I was just sitting in my car after work with my door open. I heard her talking to me and she hopped inside. She had a collar but no tag. I didn't take her in that night because I figured someone was missing her. 

A few days later, my neighbors told me that they had taken her in and asked the office if anyone was missing a kitty. After a few days and no response, they asked if I wanted her because they noticed that I already had another kitty. He was lonely and needed a friend because my roommate had just moved out and taken her dog and cat with her. My neighbor was also pregnant and didn't want to be around cat litter.  

I agreed but was still concerned that someone was missing her. I had the feeling though that since she was outside for multiple nights, eager for human interaction, and people were moving out in droves for the summer that she had been abandoned.

Looking back I should've tried harder to find her people. But it was serendipitous that she found me that night and that I was already in search of another kitty. Either way, we've been together since then.  

I love her with my whole heart.   

Her name is Ingrid.