Im personally neither because I find both to be somewhat radical or harmful these days. That being said I honestly side eye people of both parties who are extremely vocal and hardcore about it. Theres nuances to both and politics/history bore me in general.. I get how they can be interesting or a special interest but they dont matter at all to me. I think modern day politics are way too shoved down everyones throat and its just dividing us as people more and more. Harmful rhetoric is being created on both sides. ie: people online calling homesteading ā€œmaga adjacentā€ lmao. Someone being interested in farming, being more self sufficient and prepared in case of an emergency, oh they must be a Q anon conspiracy theorist šŸ¤” or the newest, calling autism a ā€œliberal trendā€ and ā€œwanting to be a victimā€, ā€œtrying too hard to be differentā€, assuming they must be lgbtq as well. I hate the seemingly new post cvid mental gymnastics where someone will take something totally compartmentalized and unrelated then tie it to a political view somehow. Its giving smooth brain

Probably cant until the divorce is settled. Anything he says against her will be used in court

I get where youre coming from but you should try and have a little empathy for him. He talked to this broad every day for years and was under the assumption that when she got out theyd get married and be a family. Its pretty obvious she was his first love.. your first heartbreak is so tough but imagine going through it in the public eye. Hes using tiktok live like some sort of therapy because everyone else on there knows she did him dirty too so I imagine it helps

As someone who now has a mold allergy after being in a situation like this, PLEASE call the health department. Like yesterday. Im sorry.. this fucking sucks. The fact that they never gave you a copy of the lease is a huge red flag and (illegal?). Once the health department does get a hold them, if they decide to make ā€œrepairsā€ itll most likely be half-ass considering their shady tendencies and how cheap the rent is. If all they do is replace the ceiling tile and/or carpet, still try to get out asap. If the cause of the leak is not fixed and all water damage gutted, it will still be hazardous to your health to live there.

The problem with this situation is most of the time they half-ass the repair.. especially when it comes to mold and water damage

Theyll probably replace the cheap ceiling tile and not fix the source of the leak.

Why did you get downvoted for this šŸ’€

Looking at the pic OP posted I wouldve never thought they were that much. They look like theyre from the dollar store, which is where she shouldve bought fourth of july shoes if shes going to just keep feeding the dumpster like this

My cat. Shes my soulmate animal of nearly 16 years. Seeing any animal irl really, besides the zoo. Fuck zoos.

He looks so obnoxious and just annoying to be around. She really met her match

I havent been to ocean shitty in years but I dont remember having to pay to go on the beach

Somebody said in another post theyre like tags with the beachs name on it šŸ˜‚

This is the most awkward un-family-like pic everā€¦ everyones just kind of there

So you admit theres preferential treatment? No, we probably wouldnt because the whole reason he bought the app was to protect and exercise free speech. Reddit censoring comments is going against free speech. People should be allowed to voice their opinions, no matter how you feel about them. We learn by sharing information and nothing good has ever come from judging and completely writing off an entire group of people

There were tons of little kids at the IT premiere years ago!! After the first few minutes I was genuinely concerned for themā€¦ the movie made ME cry a couple times in there (I hated the opening scene and there were a couple other parts I thought were sad/fucked up)

Thats just diagnosed. I think the real number is 1 in 6 people, which is alot.