I live in hear country. Few years back, when I was young and had roommates, one of them started getting pissy about food going missing.

The final straw was an entire costco pack of chicken, some steak, and ice cream that disappeared.

Total freakout on the house group chat. Accusations. Harsh words.

Found all the packaging in the backyard the next day.

Finally caught the bear red pawed in the kitchen, 3 nights later, too.

Patched out in S5.

You can no longer put your turrets on the Caretaker, or on machine events.

You can still build a plat bridge out and place them on the plats. You can still get close enough to make the strategy work just fine. Just a little more effort now.

Well, a lot of things fall off on 5+. That's not really a strike against.


Hehe. I had one of these yesterday. We had an entire philosophical discussion on a haz 5 salvage about the best way to explode the uplink down. Nukes or c4. Both were tried. Awkward bunkers developed. Corestones were crushed (barely, because none of us had enough beer). Mules were repaired. We failed at the fuel cells, but almost made. Was so close.

Was just a weird ass mission where all 4 of us were just being dumb.

Since you're genuinely asking -

This cat has CH. There is a saying in the CH community - don't pity a CH cat.

This post is probably a bot, but in the actual video, the owner could definitely do with throwing down a rug or two, but the fact that they have a CH cat already speaks volumes about them. Good people, most like.

CH cats don't feel pain from their condition. So yes, be amused at their antics, just like you would a normal cat. Make allowance for them, absolutely, but treat them like a cat.

Use it as a reason to play differently!

New phase. Rock prison will wreck Doretta.

It was put in to stop us camping on Dotty.

Movie is pretty decent, too.

As far as I know, it's just Rogue Core.

There is still a little bit of dev time devoted to wrenching on S5 for DRG, but they are full steam ahead on Rogue Core.

Sure, there's some effort put into Ghost Ship Publishing, but that is actually a distinct entity form Ghost Ship Games.

Nah. That's exactly how it goes.

(I have no idea what this is. I believe this might be the first time I've ever butt-commented on a reddit post)

It's a well-known anomalous occurrence within the facility.

Deep Field continues to try sciencing the shit out of it to find a solution, but alas, so far, nothing has come of it.

Flathill has respawing pots.

The premise a w czccb nc v CBS f"HD 2qqqqqwwq×wwwwwqqgv v gĥ, NJ Zh 1g 2v cc 133w3 we4x 4

Friends joining through steam work differently. Maybe even doesn't apply to them.

It's specific to a Stubby Overclock called Micro-Conductor Add-On.

It used to be Turret Arc. Got reworked and changed with S5.

If you have that overclock, your shots will electrify your platforms.

Yeah about 2 hrs ago with the latest hot fix.

With a note to please stop asking.

GSG rocks.

Or. Call them out on it. Be blunt. Use that chat feature.

And waste their time.

I will call people out, and have, for c4ing the acout, for c4ing the drop pod ramp. Just stop.

What you probably experience here is:

You click join. And almost immediately, someone in game pushes the button. By the time you've loaded in and dropped, you're fully in the 'run to the drop pod' phase.


Not just don't get the appeal. I actively dislike it.

It's fine if you want to mod your client side with verified mods that don't affect me. Hell, I do it.

It annoys me no end when a mod on your side does affect me. I don't want to listen to you farting for the next 20 minutes, no matter how cool you think it is.