I have a funny last name. As soon as they look at my ID I can get them to Crack a smile, it's all downhill from there.

The best games to ruin a friendship are face 2 face. Not digital. Monopoly or Risk. Catan.

This is the least stupid LPT I have seen in a month.

I played the the shit out of it when I was a kid, on the PC

I love organic SFX! Great work! Keep being creepy! Death to digital!

This only works if your already wealthy. Nobody quits their full time job at McDonald's to be a race car driver.


Hate trex. Shit leaves bits of plastic EVERYWHERE when it's cut.

Death is the end of the life cycle. Do you spend the whole day in fear of the night? I find comfort in knowing we all meet the same end.

Del Toro is well known and respected in the world of horror. He even got to do a show for Netflix.

Come and see. Hands down the best most chilling WW2 movie ever made.

The paint in the picture is for collecting water off your roof for your cistern. You can use something else for less $$$.

Really hope it's for a title loan.

Who tf picks up surgical gloves?

While visiting Seattle make sure you stop and visit the gum wall, you will never want to eat again.