on my 23rd bday I had a seizure in the college bathroom. that night I was told that I had a golf sized brain tumour. long story short, it was benign, & I'm alive at 55!

55 and don't drink. I'm happy it's becoming more popular not to!

your own backyard, finding Cleo, someone knows Something, the last call

physical: waking up w the most brutal headache after a brain biopsy. emotional: discovering my bf is sleeping with my frenemy.

just stop w the hand shaking already. it's unnecessary and germy.

now that I'm 55 I stop reading any book that doesn't interest me after a few pages. I don't suffer through anything anymore!

a mountain bike to impress my bf. I rarely rode it and was too scared to jump over anything or ride too fast down a trail 😂

my kind neighbor helped me paint some high bits on my house. I had just been dumped, and my ex was helping me paint my house. the couple that lived across from me noticed that there was an area that wasn't painted. he came over and offered to do it, after I told him I was too afraid to go that high on my ladder. it was such a gracious gesture that I almost cried.

bringing my own pillow to wherever I'm staying overnight!

yep those 3 and then Your Honor, Industry & true detective s1

meh..not a fan because they scare animals. spend money on something different, like free poutine for all! 🇨🇦

I, too, lost my Dad the same way. something that has helped me is reading about addiction - Gabor Matè's books are incredible. also, starting ACA group therapy. bless 🙏