Yeah, the current remasters are fine and it still plays well. It was one of the best looking games on the system.

My employer has supplied everyone with iPhones for most people they are used exclusively for an authenticator app. I've always dug my heels in when it comes to using my own phone, especially when they want to partially enroll your phone into some MDM platform and apply policies.

I had an opportunity to preorder this and I hesitated... Worst decision ever πŸ˜…

I've got to the point where exceeding 4 pints can be anything from a mild headache to feeling awful all day.

Reject additional pints that come your way when you know you're in your danger zone. If you know you've had enough don't allow people to pressure you into drinking more. Some people can be dicks about this.

Eatin' ain't cheatin'. Grab yourself some delicious stodge.

Neck some water at the end of the night. Maybe even the odd bit during.

Sugary drinks can be good the next day

I paid a token amount to my parents. It wasn't really rent but a contribution to the bills. I think it was like Β£100/month, by that point they were retired and I still got to eat food they bought.

I think small token amounts like that are healthy. People charging market rates are insane though.

I hate being in debt but it is preferable to paying rent. Interest rises can be painful so make sure you don't overstretch. Overpayments can have a big impact on bringing it down. In the early days I found the amount of interest I was paying depressing. It was a good third of the overall monthly payment. Once you get in the fact that no landlord can remove you on a whim will bring great comfort and it's also worth your while to redecorate. Only your bank balance can tell you that you can't do something to the house πŸ˜…

I'm an IT consultant for a large MSP. Even before lockdown I was only really on three office a few days a week because I've always been working with people spread all over the country. Despite having a pretty big footprint for my team in my local office I rarely get any projects with the local guys. Following COVID the company closed a lot of offices and downsized others. Most people are now fully remote. It's only really the people in roles that require a physical presence that have to go in now.

Back in the day I completed most of timesplitters 2 on hard. I whipped it out of storage recently and I struggle with normal mode now πŸ˜…

Resistance fall of man and its two sequels are fun shooters and you can do the campaign via co-op, although player two's character isn't really referenced at all in the story πŸ˜…

It depends! There are old games out there that you can pick up now and they will play really well. Others are really hard to get into without nostalgia goggles patching up bad game mechanics.

I'm quite fond of remasters and remakes as they will often add quality of life improvements.

I remember being blown away by it at the time! The PS2 was such a big graphical leap from its predecessor. It feels a little clunky going back but it's still pretty fun.

Final fantasy 6. The final dungeon required you to have 3 parties. I did not have the time to go grinding to level up that many characters.

I remember one quiz where we were asked what year decimalisation came in for the UK currency. For whatever reason one of our group carries around an old 10p coin so we thought it was a shoe in for 1970 with that being the year on his coin... Turns out it's 1971. He wasn't happy but I guess it makes sense that they minted it all earlyπŸ˜…

I dropped Β£3k to move out of London bank to my home town years ago. It's not as steep as yours but my pay cut actually felt like a pay rise after factoring the lower living costs.

I never played the original Mario Kart. My first karting game was Crash Team Racing which in my opinion is so much better than the Mario Kart games I have played. That statement alone is usually good for a few down votes πŸ˜…

Also with you in having never played the original legend of Zelda. I had a NES but that just passed me by. I find a lot of retro games are hard to get into without the help of nostalgia goggles.

Resident evil - I hated games with tank controls.

Moving into the modern era I haven't played red dead redemption 2. It's on my shelf as it came with my PS4 pro but I didn't like the first game so haven't taken the second out of its shrink wrap.

One tip I'll always give for levelling up on FFX - make sure everyone performs an action in battle, even if it's just to guard. That'll ensure they all earn experience for each encounter. Helps to keep the team balanced.

This is one of the things I love about the pixel remasters. You can just turn the encounters off when they're getting annoying.

I'm not a big fan of grinding. I'm short on time these days so the big difficulty spikes in some of the older games is frustrating. One that particularly got me was the need to have 3 parties for the final dungeon in FF6. It's the only reason I've never finished that one so far. I got to the end of the PS1 version before realising I needed to level up more characters than I had bothered with. I'll finally be ticking that one off with the pixel remaster and the exp boosts πŸ˜…

Someone was cutting onions when I played Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch

Black was an excellent FPS back in the day. Not an exclusive but nonetheless it was impressive for its time.

Love a sundae! Although probably not that different from what you get really, just different sauces πŸ˜…

The Saboteur. Not a playstation exclusive but it's stuck on that generation. Basically GTA with a hint of assassin's creed but set in Nazi occupied Paris.

Also resistance: fall of man and its two sequels were pretty decent playstation exclusive shooters.

I won a guitar maintenance tool kit worth around Β£200 not so long ago. I haven't used it yet but I'd been considering buying it anyway so I'm pleased with that win.

I never had a 360. The series s is my first foray into the land of Xbox. Aside from dipping into gamepass occasionally I've been picking up some of the old exclusive titles when they're on sale. I've been really enjoying the likes of the gears series.

As others have eluded to as well, I'm fed up of the focus on online play with modern games or the trend of releasing broken games that can take months to fix. Older games are often shorter as well. I find it hard to get motivated to fire up a game that I know will take up 100+ hours. 15-30 is a good length.