Yes you are right but we can't rule out the fact that donut is influencing for this sub activity

They might have the thousands of problem but printing money is none of them

Even if they wake up that won't change much of scenario for us

I am also paying tax regularly that mean it will also help me in future

When did they said that and if they really said that thing then why we are not having any kind of bullish candle in the market?? But i really do hope about the thing you have mentioned here

Some one who is still virgin like me, might no get this reference

Now i know how to sell them but currently not the price which i am looking into the moons

Everyone is just making their coin so let them make their own now

Where are those people who were saying we are wasting our time while doing the shit posting? Now those shit posting can pay for my bills while they will only regret in shadow

I am villain of my own portfolio atleast this is what i can confirm

There is nothing like error from these vulture they will not let go any single dollar with error, so when they said that there is some error which means that money is going some where else

Everything is getting together now, why you are getting torn buddy??

If you want to hold then hold btc and eth, for alts booking profit is vital key

But if we will not take care of that wound now it will spread more

Those who want to end the crab market they can now thank to Gary

Right now Negative is meeting with the sell off, panic selling after bill pass

Dude I was so unaware of this code, please take me in your gang and good morning!

What you think of this you dont think is all about the male that the issue has been trying to get the true meaning of this kind

Secular stagnation refers to a prolonged period of slow economic growth, low inflation, and low interest rates.

While it's a concept that has been discussed in recent years, it's important to note that economic conditions can be influenced by various factors and are subject to change over time.

And that stupid driver! By the way..what is she steal with your house?

These are not the buzz words it is actually the reality that we are living in.

And I can definitely say that I do not like this reality I wish that it was different.

This could be very heated one if we try to ask them about this

So if sleeping on the floor is last option then why posting pic there??

It would have been their favourite thing, they would have loved it.