Are you saying only the left breast hurts or only one side of the left hurts?

I’ve had localized areas of tenderness as well, but if you’re really worried you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Mine usually feels better within 3ish days and if it resolves itself by the time your period comes, it’s probably nothing more than hormonal.

You can also do a self-exam to see if you feel anything too, a quick google search will show you the steps how. I wouldn’t worry too much, but if the pain persists for a long time then I would get it checked out! 🩷

I’ve personally only had one hurt before. Two cycles ago my right breast hurt soooooo bad but the left felt relatively fine.

I’d didn’t even know this was a thing, thank you!!!

I know! It’s kind of weird in a sense seeing and being around all these take out meals when I make 99.9% of my own food 😂 my area only has a couple plant-based restaurants in downtown which is like an hour for me so anytime I eat from a business it’s just something like a coffee or a smoothie.

Another funny thing is that I’ve been on this diet for about 7-8 years now so sometimes things like the smell of eggs, meat, and cheese physically make me nauseous and I have to roll down my windows. It’s no hate to anyone who eats that way, I don’t care what you do with your diet, but sometimes it’s a struggle when the smell is so overwhelming in the car 😅

Only one that ever did something like this was Papa John’s who would give out tokens each delivery and after 10 tokens you’d get a free pizza. I had 9 tokens and then they stopped doing it. Scammed 🥲 it’s fine though, I’m plant-based and don’t eat there anyway but I was going to give it to my family or friends 🥹

I don’t have an old one that’s working unfortunately but check Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, offer up, or thrift stores!!! Sometimes people sell generic used ones for a really good price!

There’s a FB group I’ve heard of too called Buy Nothing and, depending on your area, people give away things for free. Might be worth checking out!

I feel you!!! Mine is usually in luteal but it’s been so bad this cycle before/during ovulation. OCD, impending doom, existential anxiety etc. A reminder that I usually say to myself is “emotions are not facts”. I know it’s very scary, but it’s just the damn hormones. Remember that it will always pass, just hang in there and try to cope with relaxing music, watching comfort shows, and taking it easy 🩵

Agreed! I eventually want to make my own milk for this reason but it’s a good alternative to use in moderation or when you don’t have the time 😊

Yeah tasks have to be done when you accept them. They all vary in time too, some are 0-1 min and I’ve seen others that are over 30 min. Majority are around 4-5 min

I should also mention this is just for SQR, I’m not sure how the other positions work!

$15/hr and the only time I struggle getting tasks is during the weekend, so don’t be planning on working then. Saturday and Sunday are always 100% without tasks for me. During the week I’ll usually have constant tasks, save for a random 5-30 min here and there without any.

Unsweetened Nutpods are sooo good especially the cinnamon swirl and churro ones!

Flagged multiple times without any additional feedback or help

So I’ve only been working as a SQR for a few weeks now. Last week and this week I have received emails that my SxS ratings are not matching other raters answers and I’ve been flagged and blocked from working.

They don’t tell me exactly what I’m doing wrong, nor have they tried to help with additional resources. They just tell me to look at the guidelines again (which I have). I started being more thorough with my reasonings to explain myself, but apparently I’m still wrong.

I’m not sure what else to do at this point. I try my best and really put in the time and effort, but everything just feels subjective and like I keep getting it wrong anyway. I’m a pretty smart person with a college education and feel like I’m more than capable to do this position, but it makes me feel like I am apprently missing something?

Have any of you had issues with this? What have you done to fix it and keep it from happening in the future? Any tips?

I’ve been feeling this to an extent too. I quit majority of sugar for a few weeks but started eating sweets again because I was stressed. The first bite of ice cream is okay but not amazing, and now trying to finish it feels like an actual chore. I used to be able to eat a whole bowl of ice cream and still want more 😵‍💫 but almost every night I still have sugar cravings even though it doesn’t taste good. I’ve just been doing sugar free cereal as a substitute.

HSP and INFP here too, struggling with the same feelings and issues. I have a wfh job that’s pretty monotonous, but I also do deliveries like doordash and instacart. Sometimes that can be significant because you get to help people who can’t do it themselves, but it can also be stressful at times.

Right now I’m looking to go back to community college to get my certificates in nutrition and wellness coaching. It’s something I find meaning in because I want to help others. Maybe consider looking at those kinds of options?

It depends on what you personally feel is important but there are options out there like working for non-profits, elderly care, animal shelters or boarding, etc. My friend is an INFP too and super introverted, he work the night shift security at a retirement home. Really just depends on what you find important and what gives you that sense of joy!

I’m sorry to hear this. I just lost my childhood dog of 15 years last month and it was very sudden and traumatic. She had a freak medical issue and within hours had passed away.

Grief is one of the strongest emotions and it’s important to let yourself feel it to process. There will be days that will be harder than others, but with time it will get easier. It will never fully go away, like with anyone we deeply love, but it won’t be as painful.

A quote I learned from my mom after my grandma passed is “respect their journey”. This helped me tremendously! I know death is difficult and quite frankly just really sucks, but life is a beautiful and mysterious thing. We all have a limited time on this earth and remember how amazing it is that you and your friend got to experience some of this life together 💖

You’re not alone, there’s a lot of people who have struggled with this (myself included). My cousin struggled with the scary thoughts about killing someone while driving and it was OCD. She overcame it by finding a therapist that drove around with her and talked her through it.

The best therapy imo is exposure therapy (going out and doing it) so if it’s possible, try finding a therapist who can drive with you and without your parents present since they make things worse.

When I struggled with driving I would play driving games. Even though it was fake, it still helped me to an extent. Even watching people drive in vlogs or dash cam footage (not the ones about accidents!!!) might help.

When I was working on my driving anxiety I would take baby steps. Maybe drive a mile from your home and then stop the car in a safe place, like a parking lot, and sit for a while and let yourself process. Then the next day, go a mile farther, and so on. You can start with less traffic areas first, if possible, and then gradually add them in.

The more you exposure yourself to doing the scary thing, the less scary it gets. If you’re able to try to drive on your own, you can listen to calming music or panic attack talk down videos. This one is my favorite. It has got me though a lot!

Favorite Meal Prep Recipes?

I'm trying to meal prep once or twice a week, so I'm looking for some new recipes that store well for a few days. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, all is welcome! Only restriction is no/low added sugar. Do you have any favorites or go-to recipes?

0… haven’t seen a single task come through all week. I’ve only been working here for a couple weeks and was able to get 18 and 15 hours the previous weeks…

I usually get irritable/angry after having sugar 🫣