They do have a downside that I think actually benefits you in the final fight. Their short range means you need to stick incredibly close to enemies while most other weapons put you at a bit of a safer range. In the final fight, especially phase 2, having to be that close evades the holy beams that cause problems for people at a regular distance.

This one is the kind of garbage I can enjoy.

Everything else basically has to wait for a 16 hit combo to stop or just face trade. They are crazy hard to even stagger, let alone break poise. I think that’s why they suck so hard.

There are indigenous people that support conservative politics. If it was just the Every Child Matters thing I’d agree it’s definitely just co-opting, but because they’re also talking about indigenous rights I think it might be an indigenous person that just believes a lot of stupid shit. At the beginning of the pandemic I had a neighbor that was indigenous but an absolute idiot that rambled about conspiracy theories and constantly went to antivaxx/antimask protests. These people exist and don’t see the contradictions in their views and how conservatives aren’t going to be their ally.

I guess the companies don’t all use the same flat rate. Last time I took a taxi from the airport they charged $70.

Seems susceptible to non-physical damage types, so if anything bypasses his wild defenses he doesn’t really have that much hp. Seeing him face tank the final boss’ meteor thing, it nearly kills him while some of my other spirit summons can face tank the whole attack and only lose 1/4 or less of their hp. So maybe rot procced on him early and it wiped out his relatively small health pool.

Street skating is when you see people doing tricks on/around/off of things that are just a part of the urban environment. Grinding rails, doing stair sets, making ramps out of old signs and some pieces of wood, etc.

Cruising is just riding.

You can do tricks with cruising wheels, they’re just bigger and will grip some things too much. If your neighborhood is very new and has freshly paved roads and sidewalks you could cruise with street wheels, but in a lot of neighborhoods you’ll find them catching on a lot of rough roads and sidewalks.

I’m assuming you’re mostly going to be cruising and just occasionally trying tricks, so you should get cruiser wheels.

I told you why they’re not making more weapons with it, I don’t know what you want to hear. You’re just coming across as very annoying.

Because they wanted to make good weapons and couldn’t do that with deathblight? Also a death knight isn’t necessarily themed around death blight.

That’s kind of the point. It’s either totally OP, or it’s absolutely useless. You can’t build up death blight fast enough, so it does nothing. If you can build it up fast enough to be useful then it’s overpowered.

It’s mostly a gimmick to create a sense of impending doom in the player in PVE experiences, but it’s not really functional as a status for the player to give to others.

What’s a little bit funny about this is that a bunch of the idiots on the right probably actually believe this is the reason for it, and are too mentally lazy to actually look up why.

Mostly agree, except most stores will allow you to just stick your stuff with a cashier while you shop. They don’t expect you to leave it outside, and if you’re nice they’ll just let you leave it at their till until you’re done.

The final boss is the only one I’m having issues with. If you follow the game and use what is provided to actually progress in the game, most of the bosses are challenging but achievable. The last boss is the only one that I’ve found fucked up, and I’ve been playing these games since Demons Souls. That said, plenty of people have beaten it, so I’m not pretending it’s impossible. It’s just an incredible challenge.

While this may sound stupid, I think it really depends on if illegal is actually immoral or otherwise negatively impacting people.

It may be illegal to set up a camp in a public space, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re harming people. As a result calling the police to come and demolish their camp and arrest them is violence. If the people in the camp are strung out on illicit drugs and being violent towards people that pass by then they’re being violent, and to meet violence with violence is justified. Legal and moral aren’t necessarily aligned. Even that metric doesn’t account for a lot of variables. Ideally we’d be looking for solutions that don’t involve violence and seek to help people adapt to a social system in a way that doesn’t harm anyone. Unfortunately I think we’re a long way off from achieving that.

BMF has shown some stretching poses that he uses to extend his stomach capacity. But some people also naturally have more capacity or are less affected by the feeling of “fullness” so can push more in that most people would probably vomit over.

I’d be kind of cool with upon committing to an ending and starting NG+ you got smithing stones for those. I just don’t think it happening before NG+ makes sense.

You can take them anywhere. You just can’t ride them anywhere. Never leave your shit in a random place unattended unless it requires keys to operate.

Yes and nawww. While it would be fun to just farm and max out everything, the intention is to form builds. You can see what is going to fantastic for you at 24 or 9, and only max the things you really want to take forward. That said, I do the classic RPG thing of holding onto important materials, and won’t max things unless I decide I want to make a build specifically for it.

Ultimately, I appreciate the number we are given. I think it’s a fair amount. We don’t really need more, but it would be kind of fun to have everything maxed out and see how they compare at that point.

Looking around I’m noticing a few places have them for 89-99, but it seems like 140 is the intended price. I guess you got lucky! Don’t know if I want to drop that much again after getting the eggzilla a few months ago, but I hope it’s fun!

Haven’t seen that mega mutator in any local shops yet. Is it as expensive as the egg?

What poise damage does it do with prayerful strike? If you can trade while healing it might not be gimping, but I think prayerful strike has no hyper armor, and no vertical movement, so lion’s claw accidentally dodges some attacks, and allows you to make the attack through any incoming strikes.


I doubt she was aware of being in hospital as a 3 month premature baby, so I feel like chasing the high isn’t exactly what’s going on. But I do wonder how much stuff at that period in our lives impacts our psychology as we get older even though we can’t remember it.

What’s bizarre is that this is the majority of the Republican party/conservatives now. The norm for them is pretty radical to us, and it’s mostly in response to just treating lgbtq+ and ethnic minorities nicely. Like, I can’t imagine being so upset by those things that I’d want a Christian fascist state.

Oh, so it’s like an actual disorder of her gastrointestinal tract. She eats a lot to make up for the lack of absorption. I’ve heard of people will stomachs or intestines that don’t allow the food to travel through at a reasonable rate, but this is new to me.

I unfortunately am imagining how bad the poops must be if she empties all of that food too fast to absorb a significant amount of it.