Hot Pink Supremacy 💕

I guarantee Tana is too lol

Yass I loved him in his role in Saltburn 😍

Even if it doesn’t show in the app? I’ve seen other people screenshot “tip baiters” and it shows a line through the old tip and a new tip next to it. Mine just show up the same?

Opposite for me. When I stopped taking them that’s when my libido went away lol 🙃

Opposite for me. Tons of shopping orders and the stores are packed with people. Lots of people buying right now…although I will say, it doesn’t get super consistent until around 3:30. So if you’re cool working at night that would be the best bet.

I would drink normally while taking my Wellbutrin. Didn’t seem to affect me at all. And I used to drink a lot more than I should too…

Sara needs someone who will challenge her and stand up to her. Owen only enabled her in her toxic ways and it’s impossible to grow as a person when you have that around you. It’s the best for them both to be apart. Sara has a lot of growing up to do, I truly hope she can one day. Starting with seeing she’s been living in delusion and having a partner who made that easier for her to believe.

Cut out the blush and just use contour

Oh my god the third one 😭 she can’t be serious

Your cat looks normal? Even a little on the thin side

Awe so sorry OP :( Walmart has grocery delivery where they don’t up charge the price and I think have an option to pay no fees for delivery the first month? Like a trial option? Might be worth looking into. I hope you feel better soon ❤️

You know you can drop orders after you accept, right? lol

Leave it at the door. Unless it states something differently then just go with regular protocol.

Weird cause I call daily to ask about order volume they always check for me…but totally could be true. Who knows at this point lol 🤷‍♀️