The one Morrowind player who can actually read N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!

You're honestly not going to get much out of Morrowind if you don't want to read or think. Reading and understanding quest directions is like the bare minimum for getting through the game, but to get anything out of it you need to read and absorb the exposition fed to you in dialogues and books, as well.

I can appreciate wanting a game where you just go from point A to point B and beat up everyone in between, and Morrowind gives you the freedom to do that without following quest markers. Just go anywhere you want, beat up anyone you want, and take anything you want. You're just going to miss a lot of what makes Morrowind great. There are better games for playing a murderhobo.

I'm not trying to gatekeep. I'm just explaining why there are no mods for quest markers. Nobody capable of making such a mod wants quest markers.

MC-272553 - Naturally generated End Stone drops in cases where the Obsidian platform generates inside the island

This doesn't seem like a bug, it's working as intended. One could argue it's a good thing, since it clues players in to how the obsidian platform generation works. Adding a special per-player first time exception to this just adds inconsistency and opacity to how the game works.

If they didn't want to give the first player to enter the end a stack and a half of endstone (nice bonus, tbh), maybe they should make the obsidian platform always generate in air.

I recommend the I Heart Vanilla modlist, plus Expansion Delay. To me, it feels just right,

I would cut AFFresh and and Kirel's Interior Weather from that list, though. AFFresh is good, and it's by one of the original devs, but it's not vanilla. And while I love Kirel's mod when it works, it often doesn't, and that kind of ruins the immersion more than just not having it.

As for adding Expansion Delay, it's technically not vanilla, but the way vanilla integrated the expansions is so stupid that it's better to fix it.

I also recommend adding the preview areas of TR, only for the scenery. This mod comes with instructions.

Det är lika trist på killsidan. Resa, träna, gå på krogen, kolla serier, är universellt. Sen tillkommer bilar, gaming, teknik, och öl/whisky. De flesta människor är tråkiga helt enkelt.

You can, you just have to stop rowing for like a split second to start eating, then you can keep rowing while you finish munching.

Your brain is rotted by these ragebait videos. The majority of streamers are normal people who just stream games or art and hang out.

All music added since 1.17 (music disks excepted). It's not that it's not good, it just doesn't fit.

Crops only grow and animals only spawn when a player is near anyway, so those things don't matter. You want playerless crop farms, moss bonemeal farms and micro crop farms are the way.

In fact it's WAY easier to make a passive animal farm now that you don't have to eradicate every grass block in a 21x21 chunk area. Not that there's any reason to make one with Hoglin farms existing.

What does it matter? It reduces lag, and you can just build chunk loaders for stuff you want to keep loaded.

The mangrove swamps are cool but could have used some more work. Way too dense, barren, and weird generation that commonly places them all over hills instead of at sea level where they belong. There should be more open water areas and waterways in them, too.

The ore haul is doubled in aquifers because they're not air exposed, there are no mobs to bother you, and you can move up and down easily without scaffolding. For mining, aquifers are great. Just bring a door or potions.

Skill issue tbh. You can just put blocks down to walk on, or simply delete all the powder snow with a water bucket.

Villages are completely broken by the hilly terrain and require so much terraforming, building walkways, stairs, bridges, etc to even be a functional village. Sometimes you get a village that's almost completely vertical, perched on the side of a steep hill, reaching into a cave below. Every house, meeting place, and workshop isolated.

I get that Mojang wants to encourage people to move in and give villages a glow up, but there really should be some improvements made to village generation so it makes more sense.

Not only on the surface, but it's like swiss cheese underneath as well. If you're thinking about digging into a mountain and excavating a dwarf fortress in there, surprise, it's hollow!

People often talk about prisoners paying their debt to society, but is society going to pay its debt to this man?

EDIT: He gets $14 million, apparently. Doesn't give him back what was taken from him, but affords him the opportunity to make the best of what he has left.

You joke, but obviously.

It's not just one article, by the way. There's seemingly a whole movement likening Agile development to rock climbing.

Ferrofluid is a viscous fluid with metal particles suspended in it. It's not what is happening in the show though, so I don't see why you're drawing parallels between the two or using it as a case for the "realism" of bending metal. Weird comment.

You don't have to level up when you rest. Just hit Escape on the level up screen.

As for potions, you get some alchemy gear and make your own. The alchemists in the mages guild sells the ingredients (Frost Salts and Comberry).

You might also want to get into Enchanting and offload some of your spells to enchanted rings. They recharge on their own over time.

Imagine if the internet was just 2000 people and they were all in the same room, gaming, downloading porn, and talking shit in chat.

A lot of scenes with Maximus bugged me. I'm not saying he's a poorly written character but....he sure has a lot of poorly written scenes.