read this as "Paul Christmas" and was trying to figure out who Paul Christmas was and why he was relevant

I would suggest you maybe think about why you assume these successful women need their husband's income in order to buy things.

The view from the bathroom (and probably most other rooms) is amazing


I don’t follow her and just went and looked at her saved home stories and that house is beautiful. Saw this where she explained the giant laundry room - it’ll be a multipurpose room


It's an accountability sub, okay????

It seems like she’s more focused on making Marky look way taller than he actually is. No judgment on heights, but rather her obsession with making him look tall in her photos most of the time.

No judgment on heights of course! But your posting history has several from the LB sub mocking him for his height. I truly don't understand why LB snarkers have to drag their low level nastiness over here for extra attention when they have an entire subreddit dedicated to it.

Why do so many people get so angry when a reality show has a great villain? That's why reality shows are fun! You're SUPPOSED to dislike them!

My brain is going to explode. HOW is this person unable to understand why Marky and Laura are excited about this ancestral home when they have a BOOK someone else wrote about theirs!

BS poster:

I’m trying to figure out the angle on this “ancestral home” find of Marky Beverlin’s… I mean @laurabeverlin is adding so much hype to find a house that not a single one of his immediate family ever lived in… Uhm… Cool? Someone please tell me what I’m missing.

Rational reply from /u/CanadianAFeh:

What country are you from? Because it's pretty common for North Americans to want to visit their ancestral homelands and see where their immigrant ancestors came from. I've heard that some Europeans find this strange, but over here it's very much a thing.

BS poster:

Since you asked… My ancestral home is a castle in Wales… I’ve been and even own a book about it… I didn’t spend 2.5 days storying to all my anonymous friends about it because I didn’t want to brag.

So he's learning about his own ancestral home now because it's interesting to them, he's in Italy already and someone hadn't already done the leg work for him ahead of time. You already knowing about a home in your family's history AND owning a book about it because it was so meaningful to you makes it even stranger that you can't grasp why they're excited about it.

I would argue that it's almost impossible to infer tone from her writing and that her general lack of clarity invites all kinds of speculation, but I don't disagree with your general point.

I don't care either way if she's pregnant or not pregnant, but I genuinely thought that's what she was saying in that message. 90% of her content is saying things in convoluted/implied ways, so this may be a wrong assumption but in my defense, she set me up!

Has she said she’s done, or just that she doesn’t like being pregnant or the baby stage? There were several pregnant emoji reactions to it that she didn’t correct. She’s such a poor communicator when she’s trying to be clever, so it’s almost impossible to say

And typical word salad from her, but it sounds like she’s been unable to post IG stories


This sub loves a pregnancy announcement - I’m assuming that’s what this is from TIBAL?


Edit: the comments add more context as to why this is likely untrue, but I'll take the downvote heat and avoid deleting so I don't make this thread hard to follow

I normally wouldn't either, but they posted several screenshots of their family's text and personal pictures in front of the same house. It seems legit on the surface

People in the standalone sub are being actually terrifying about Marky's family in Italy. There's even someone in the Blogsnark daily and in the LB sub whose grandmother is in a picture shared of his family's house - apparently they're distant cousins, but yikes at how unhinged everyone is acting.

A shocking, completely unexpected brand deal

Gonna watch today, I love Trixie and I’m indifferent to renovation shows. thanks for the recommendation!

They know there are commas and spaces necessary here, but zero concept of when and where

If there’s one thing I love about justbrandi_, it’s that she always focuses on the important things in life, like her children body


Ohhh haha, I think the person you were replying too was talking about pretanewporter, or at least that's how I read it!