Yo i am in kind of the same situation. 2022 was my drop year too. Now i am doing Physics BS. I question myself as to whether i am passionate about physics becoz i only know till 12th stuff even after 1 year in college. I had a friend who is going to be in 3rd year and we were in 12th together. He is way better at physics than me. I hope i can catch up to him.

Believe in urself. There is till time. If u like astronomy that much then prove it to urself by studying. Learning as much as possible about it. That proff was a douchebag. The bitter truth is that there are many ppl better than us becoz they had a headstart in life. But if we think about it and live, we will not be able to unleash out true potential. The person u need to compete against is ur yesterday's self. All the best at ur new college.

if u work on things u can change u can atleast target ugly ppl who do the same. Other than the ugliness rest of all the things would be perfect ig.

I wouldn't feel sexually attracted but i could be in an online relationship with them.

If u r in highschool i could help.I know some college level stuff too. Just DM me.

🫂 hugs from a big bro. U don't have to stress on making friends becoz the more u stress the more desperate u become and lesser the chance of fitting in. Wait for the right oppertunity. Most of the time its not what it looks at the surface.

All the best.

U might not be lucky. Try approaching guys. All the best. Try dating apps.

Most ppl know that friendships and hobbies are never a substitute for a romantic relationship. But many ppl only focus on getting a partner and do not care about hobbies and friends. They become desperate for relationship which is really painful. Its not easy to get a partner. Working on urself and getting close friends increases the chance of getting a good partner.

i have social anxiety towards aquaintences only not to strangers. I want to overcome the fear too. I also don't do the maximum. Like i know if i know if i work hard i would be good but i can't start doing it. Can i dm u

U had to go through so much trauma no wonder u would have high level of social anxiety. U r really unlucky to experience these. Hope u do well.

I am also have the same problem. Fear of the unknown. Do u procrastinate a lot. R u a perfectionist

There are many subreddits like r/InternetFriends etc. U can DM me if u wanna.

Indian Man

Find ugly women and be friends with them.

u r just below avg in india. Don't say very less hieght. I am also that hieght

I am a straight guy with size 36 boobs. Even some girls envy me.

Spent time outside, play sports, distract urself by studying. When u get the urge go for a walk outside immediately. Its not quit them as i myself am struggling. All the best.

as a fellow fat person i am also trying to get fit. All the best.

being obese makes u look way out of age. So try dating and fitness.

i meant voluntarily celibate. I don't hate incels as i am an incel too.