Don't be ridiculous, Liberals are as far to Nazis as possible. That was an honest mistake that dishonest people bring up.

"Mass application of the law as it currently stands" doesn't sound so nefarious to me.

No it's not "insane". This dynamic of loyalty does exist. I don't think it would come as a surprise to Liberal strategists. This is like rich people who are conveniently convinced ideologically that lower taxes are good and that government agould provide no services. A self-serving ideology.

I am claiming that it does matter a lot that he was involved, even if he was not "counsel of record". We have to be better than this.

There is nothing ironic here. He is elected in one of the most Anglo riding in Quebec. As a young man, he was agitating with a crew that spent most of its time trying to convince Canada that Quebecers were intolerant racist assholes. That's who he is. If Housefather cannot be a victim, he cannot be.

He is hated outside his stronghold because he made his political fortune by turning Anglos against Francos. He hates Montreal, he hates Quebec. His whole being is fear, siege mentality, contempt.

Please now. We're culturally Europeans speaking European languages. You'd be a fool to believe they don't see us as such. We can't shake that image for the same reason Belgium cannot help but be seen as French.

Marc Garneau misjudges Canada's past standing. We were seen as nice, not effective. Harper made us seem like the US lapdog. Trump put an end to that. Now we're nothing, and it's OK. We don't need international diplomatic prestige.

You don't know Housefather. He started his career in French-hating groups. His saving grace was that he was less radical than his predecessor. Like praising al Qaeda's leader for not being bin Laden.

Trudeau just gave B'nai Brith a role in government. We'll soon hear how speaking French is an act of antisemitism.

The organization is administered by its customers. Waste our time complaining about something else.

This is one of the major cases taken by the CCLA. I refuse to believe it was not brought up to the board's attention while he was its chair. I don't think it's OK for a judge to be involved in a case in any capacity whatsoever.

Nobody would be having this conversation if we saw Biden answer questions like Obama used to. Biden is being hidden by his team. He could not hide during the debate. It's not just about the debate.

But there is no point in asking Teump to withdraw.

The decision says that the president has immunity for official acts, it doesn't mean those acts are lawful. So they could ve found to be unlawful. But the courts could not order Biden to do anything because he can refuse to comply.

Note that Biden would beed to comply. It is unlikely that their doctrine of immunity applies to Democrats. The Supreme Court is not a serious institution.

The explorers found no cities. Whether they had existed before is fascinating but irrelevant.

It's true. People do not behave rationally at all. A significant portion of adults can't read.

It's not. There weren't cities along the Saint Lawrence, the Hudson or the Great Lakes. There wasn't an active, day to day conscience of displacing people. Israeli settlers settle relatively dense areas.

Because now we know how to recognize when we're self righteous bastards. Rewinding the clock in the case of the Americas would cause mire misery than it would solve. Also no one would go along.