Sure I have two daughters and I agree with all of this but at then end of they day they need to focus on getting married to complete their deen. Period.

See this is just stuff you might know to be true but doesn’t apply to the episode. That episode was just an intro and he came off as quite reasonable. Idk what else he says on his own show but he seems to know how to clean it up.

This is how false doctrines are created. And why you see a hundred different denominations in religion. Where does it say men are more expendable than women?

You can do it. Your husband will have to forgive you, but he’s right it won’t help the situation and you still need to rebuild a completely new relationship with YOUR husband. He needs to get to work on that

Welp ur an idiot but not the AH. She’s for the streets

She’s just trying to ruffle feathers with shock value post. With that kinda attitude she will stay single or only be able to marry a beta male whose life will most likely end early by being married to her.

I’m what world is this acceptable? Dump her bc she’s for the streets and her parents didn’t raise her right.

Sick! Second best color after nori grizzle.

I missed that part. My answer doesn’t change it’s just directed at the person you know then. Good luck with the person you know.

Why are you even trying to be friends with them? There is a complete difference in foundational logic, unless it’s for research purposes and you are interviewing them I don’t understand why you would try to even be friends. It’s like going to a bar and saying I’m just there to socialize but I don’t drink….re evaluate your decision. May Allahswt guide us all.

So the transatlantic slave trade affected more than just the so called African Americans. All the other Afro-“insert country name here” are all equally “black”

Yeah if they repent and CHANGE their actions…according to the Bible of course.

Great day for Gtown

I almost thought you swapped out for a blackline grill. Nice work! I am now tempted to do the same. What paint did you use ?

I’m not against this because it promotes accountability, but while we are at it we should get a body counter for each Zaani so that way other zaanis and get with their equivalent level of sinning spouse. In all honesty Allahswt knows best but there are 2 things in life that always hold true. You get what you pay for and you get what you deserve.

I was with you until you weirdly hated on her for serving her husband. OP is just a good wife. Why is it such a problem for a wife to serve her husbands plate? As if it’s some sort of chore. I work and pay the bills as the breadwinner and when I cook I enjoy making my wife’s plate, and she does the same for me when she cooks.

Only you and Allahswt know what’s in your heart. If you feel yourself entering a non halal mindset from those seemingly normal activities (sitting and eating) then yeah I would consider that dating too, but if you are able to sit and eat and prove that person and not “date” them then it’s not dating. But I think you aren’t wrong for feeling that way, that’s why it’s good practice to not be alone with a potential spouse.

Proving someone which involves communicating,questions, and observing a potential spouse candidate is halal and is not to be confused with fornication that is dating.

Idk why gluttony isn’t just as bad as being a heroin addict . Hell yeah you should divorce him if he refuses to get better(I.e. healthy)