Dude that's awesome! Looks just like the movie character

My dad took me to the game. I remember getting pulled over on the way home more than I remember the brawl

Need to find a rich parent to help pay rent so I can volunteer my time to make my resume competive. . In all seriousness, gotta keep chugging along, not gonna get sympathy from any other pilots. They always had it worse ....

Religious folks are an easy target. Pregnant women can eat and do eat when everyone else fasts. Same with the sick.

They probably think it's less safe to live in a country where you feel like a vulnerable minority than to live in a country who's purpose is to protect that minority, even if it's surrounded by enemies. I'd guess they feel better about being attacked by neighboring countries versus neighboring families.

Which team can spread the ball best?

Bilbo Baggins

Same here. I will look past a lot of crummy things if it means we can spend time together watching lotr stuff

Life is a lot more fun when I can be carefree about money. I just haven't got to that point yet.

Just for fun, you should ask if he remembers the going rate for instruction or plane rental when he was learning to fly.

Libs stole your movie heros? I know it can be pretty tough. Hang in there you fuckin alien.

Easy for us to say that when we don't have skin in the game. Harder to be rambo when you have a family to take care of.

Hope they come back up or someone suggests a similar alternative. For the whole time i've been using it, it's been working near flawlessly until this past month. bummer

Bilbo Baggins

Great point that I haven't seen mentioned before!!!

Sleeping Bear is fantastic. My girl specifically said "Do not propose on a hike or something like that!"

Good luck

Bilbo Baggins

Looks like what it's supposed to be. Nice choice!

It is difficult for a simpleton like myself to describe the smooth draw of an owala water bottle. The free sip technology seamlessly brings water from the bottle, to your mouth. Never have I had such a pleasant experience drinking through a straw.

The small price to pay is that the bottle is too big for a lot of cupholders or something like that, I don't fuckin know.

It's an insulated water bottle, same as the other 100 brands lol

The whole time they've been in the squabble, I've been hoping Judaism stays out of it. Both artists' fans are too stupid to handle that inclusion.

I'd look at Facebook, see if there's a group in your area. I'm sure they would be happy to introduce you to the game and you can get a feel for the players in your area before you spend a lot of money on toy soldiers.

Bilbo Baggins

Same as any of us when we worked shitty jobs. Cant wait to get off work and drink some grog. Boss is a dick. This uniform is uncomfortable.......

viper door gunner

crazy stuff. Im an hour south on 131 and I'm surprised to hear nothing of it till now.