Getting downvoted by the McFatties that can’t understand basic logic

Oh no, voting is STRICTLY constitutional… you have every right to vote for the supreme courts chosen candidate and no others

“Having their own opinions”

Tell me you’re a Trump supporter without telling me.

“These people keep insulting this whole subset of people for having their own food preferences. Cannibals food preferences are equal to yours!”


See, what you do is just bread crumb lies to make it sound like you’re being reasonable when you’re just straight up lieing. It’s what his supporters do.

The large intestine?

Did this guy think we should all just get them removed?

This guy is either A) incredibly and unfortunately unmediated in his mental illness, or B) a complete grifting piece of shit loser.

I know which one makes more sense based on the “give me money, begging for cash is moral, but simply playing the stock market or winning the lotto isn’t”.

Aren’t we still just doing LLM’s and photo/video recognition shit? Forgive me but our current models are all derivative of inputs

So when it’s not Trump, how do we ensure they keep their end of the bargain?


Garry4321, Redditor is in a Murderous Rage. He is going to kill _Nashable_.

The final straw was: Learning that Nashable is responsible for caravans

/s OBV. This is a joke, not an actual threat reddit.

Holy shit I love this. How do I subscribe for updates?

I dunno, I've stubbed my toe before and "Thermonuclear detonation at my precise location" didnt seem like a bad option at that time.

"In the interest of the public good"

Well, there's the out, once again. Always some wording that lets the special interests say "We dont have to legally give em shit, as we've decided its not applicable. We determined its not for the public good".

That’s literally what he said… people can’t navigate the folder structure. He never said they could and then they forgot…

I never said I took the side of it being a bad thing, just that it would be absolutely catastrophic. If you think about it though, it would lead to upheaval, quick intense change, and inevitably a lot of bad stuff like possibly mass suicide, warring factions, death cults, etc.

what do you tell the soccer mom who is set in her life that she will never be able to have a normal life again? Human life will change 100% forever in all ways it has ever existed in a matter of years with little to no organic growth period

You don’t eat the bones of vegetarians?

Exactly how is putting your name on a skyscraper "helping" new york?

Zero sag just requires zero shocks LMFAO

Its almost like taking a car body, making it bigger and blockier, then calling it a truck, does not make it a truck in any way.

It’s catastrophic for our entire way of life as it is. There are aliens with advanced energy systems and technologies that would essentially destroy the stock market. Capitalism could basically crumble and power/control over the populous would crumble. It’s extremely catastrophic for people who like the status quo, have power, or have any sort of money/investment. What would happen if you didn’t need to work to get what you need. Would you go to work? What would happen to these companies if suddenly no one needed to work?