Wow , I was not expecting such an in depth explanation. Thank you.


Same here, ticket and task management, I only use it because managers require me too, I hate using it though, it's not intuitive or easy. But it works.

It's a secret ploy by the CIA, if they get the public to hate jfk, they won't care about who murdered him, and won't care about releasing documents saying the CIA did it. Which would undermine the CIA

Well if thats a show of art and talent nowadays, then the societal decay part is definitely coming true.

I read this whole thing in the voice of an anime character.

"yOu FeLl InTo mY tRaP cArD" lol you ain't proving anything sounding like a self righteous asshole.

Lol bro, your reply makes you sound like a narcissist, you try to hard to be right.

I'm a liberal and agree with most everything on that list.. wtf is going on.


Not one that just relies on fear mongering and buzzwords.

Sounds alot like bidens platform.

List a republican you would vote for, no balls.

If thou hath feathery language, thou sha'll exude inclined intelligence against thine opponents!

Jokes aside, I think your response says more about you than it does about me.

I like philosophy, but wow I have no idea what that abstract says. What does "logic is normative for beleif" mean?

Lefties support the war in Russia, so I would say no he does not align left. Trump would be putting a stop to that if elected.

Edit: war in Ukraine. Potato potato

It's cutout but we all know that's Jcal in the last Pic 😆

I think ur missing a piece... socialists want to take it all the way, they don't stop at food stamps, they want inequality to die.

Even if the top 1% were taxed more, you really gonna trust the government to make efficient use out of it? Excluding the problem that very rich people will start shuffling money out of America all together to avoid the tax, nobody spends/accounts for someone else's dollar the same way they spend their own dollar. The same is true of the government and taxpayer dollars. Not to say tax shouldn't exist, but I don't believe aggregiously taxing the wealthy will have the effect you think it will.

Lol, you bring up "oh.. well.. its recovery from 08" but that's not what you were talking about originally, you were talking about recovery from the previous republican administration.

Keep in mind those numbers exclude more than a whole year of data from bidens calender, so feel free to put 3 in the denominator atleast.

Anyways, I can turn around and say and use the same logic to defend trumps defecit, since he got us out of covid, and that's where much of his spending came from. Matter of fact, bidens numbers would have been much better of it weren't for his ludicrous covid spending aswell.

Again, I will rest my case with this. You can't say democrats fix the problem when they consistently worsen it, like repblicans, if only to just a lesser degree.

Arguably, the way they do so is worse in many regards. Being a walmart brand version of Robin hood is not how you fix an economy.

Monthly clothing budget? Is that actually a thing? You people are living frivolously!

Lol you say something like " Obama recovered" meanwhile the national debt increased 70% under his presidency. Spectacular recovery there good sir 👏. Truly!

Might want to rethink your choice of wording.

To pretend how this is somehow only a republican phenomena is beyond me.