Really tight production on this track, it sounds really good! The vocals are very well done and overall fit well within the rest of the song. In terms of overall song structure I think a big uplift as we got near the end of the song to really elevate it to another level, but again great job here.

The acoustics guitars sound crisp and clean, but maybe too crisp... the vocal is well done, I really like it when the backing vocals come in. I think the bass could come up a bit, feels lacking low end a bit. Agree with the solo comment, doesn't quite fit the vibe of the song even though it is generally well done.

I'm in the like it camp - I think it has a cool unique vibe, you can tell this was a stylistic choice. To me the it's mixed well for what it is... creates a warm sonic landscape that could only be enhanced by some recreational vices. I think the vocals sound cool, I enjoyed the dense layers and the drums sound good as well - nice work!

I can definitely see my self ripping a half pipe combo to this track! Great energy, the vocals are a tad bit back in the mix, but I think it works for this genre and sounds great for the chorus. Good crunch on the guitars and the drums sound tight - good luck with this one!

Thanks for the kind words glad you enjoyed it! The grit is definitely a hold over from my punk/grunge/metal listening days.

Thanks! So far just acoustic live performances, but I'd love to get a live arrangement down tight

it's a cool vibe overall, I like the sound you're going for. I do think the kick drum is a bit too active at times, sometimes less is more. The vocals can get washed out a bit - I think you could dial back the reverb a bit and still get the desired effect!

This was an inherited set and I've asked about it's maintenance - apparently it was oiled about twice a year before I acquired it. Is there a standards oil I should use? Is it best to sand the entire top and then oil?