I feel like Allmight would of saved him by breaking his limit right then and there

Personally I like Class 1-A Deku squad.

(Bakugo being apart of said class-A Deku squad is optional, however I don’t mind either way)

No Gogo, he didn’t contract ninja aids.

Nah I’m sorry, Delta is just objectively better than Gamma in every way. It’s just a overall improvement

I feel like that would have immediately just destroyed UA and would have been impossible to recover from.

Relatively speaking I think a finish Nine is above Gigantomachia, but not by much at all.
If Nine (healthy) was a S tier then Gigantomachia is only slightly below that. These are both only as strong as 75% shigiraki (could make arguments that they are stronger) and would both lose to a 100% Shigiraki. If Nine were to fight Gigantomachia before he dealt with his mutation that made him sick then I’m sure he’d lose. If nine is allowed to be constantly passively healing himself with cell activation then Gigantomachia loses high dif. At best, the fight wouldn’t be one sided at all. Gigantomachia was made to Tank a lot, and a lot of people don’t have the fire power to challenge him besides those with the best quirks for high damage like Nine.

The government’s only said no after stars death. That was the catalyst and an excuse to do so.

Now if only Tomura and Nine worked out their differences and teamed up. Their base quirks both have enough power to literally destroy cities, they’ed be unstoppable together. Unfortunately they both have the “1 true ruler” mindset.


I mean, I don’t think so? The only reason Star came in was because All might, Endeavour and hawks requested it (mainly all might). And that was only after the heroes lost a good chunk of their forces to being hospitalised, dead, retired and quitting, after Japan was already destroyed. I don’t think nine alone would warrant a request from other countries until the heroes numbers start dropping and the country is already ripped apart. She likely won’t suddenly come in just because Nine exists. She’ll probably come in only when it’s actually needed not early on.

Regarding endeavour and hawks, I actually think endeavour is a horrible match up for nine due to his Air shield and his weather manipulation, specifically his rain and tornadoes. Hawks and endeavour flying about might actually not be a great match up against Nine specifically and I can think of other top heroes more suited for taking him on and his 6 quirks he currently had at this point.


Oh wow, I didn’t expect Nine to be downplayed this much by the other comments (as of typing this) considering how much damage he alone could do with his weather manipulation unrestrained. If he could make sure he was constantly healthy with the cell activation quirk then i doubt many could stop him at this point of the story. Sending Nomu to stop him probably would not work at all. Nine at the end of heroes rising but with no limit on how much energy he can use is extremely powerful.

Nine’s goal was to make a society based on strength and only strength. His reasoning is that those with power are treated unfairly in society due to circumstances in life and reasons that the strongest should be allowed to be revered and praised, like nature intended with lions or apes. He does this due to both his and his comrades pasts and rejection from society due to being discriminated and now wants to create all of their ideal worlds by destroying g the current one. If they succeed people like chimera would be revered. He’d probably either start destroying chunks of the country and recruit “the strong” to his cause to make a better japan. He alone with his original quirk without any sickness issues can probably destroy a city within half an hour minimum. Not a lot of people can exactly stop him. The heroes witnessing this might assemble a while stroke team to go and try to take him down. Within days he would be a countrywide threat.

I would not be surprised if such a thing has happened however I haven’t seen a single thing in the series that has stated or suggested it.

… we both know that is literally impossible but ok

Trust me, I know how strong these guys are. The problem is that Omniman kind of just tanks all of all mights punches. Star is out of the question, she can’t push her body to a limit that would keep her safe from omni man and most of her rules likely won’t work well on him. If she touches him and knows his name then she might just win but the chances of her living after she touches him isn’t high.

Though I actually think Shigiraki has the best chance of anyone to kill Nolan, as long as he touches him.

… good sir/ma’am. It has been over a year since the anime has shown this. And you’re on a subreddit with a bunch of the latest spoiler.

I forgave him a while ago back at the end of season 5. Though whether I forgive him or not probably doesn’t matter in this situation. He’s still atoning (may never finish atoning) and I respect that he is trying to fix his mistakes. His family doesn’t need to forgive him, but he is doing better. He was a bad person but I can’t really label him that anymore. Not currently anyway.

Has he been redeemed? Eh… that’s subjective. Though I guess you can be “redeemed” and still be on the path of atoning. Though personally in domes eyes it’s apparently impossible to be redeemed.

This is confusing because there are many other quirks in the series that are worse

If you decided to be dark, you could probably meet 4 different avatars in a life time.

If those 4 avatars were particularly unlucky. Tho it’s unlikely it would ever happen