So if a dud atacms lands in Russian occupied territory of Ukraine it would somehow be different?

I lost a buff, a beanie, a t-shirt, 3 pairs of socks and tent poles over the course of a month this summer

There is the "Lanna Kingdom" that starts in Chiang Mai, shouldn't be hard to start directly from the airport. .

I'd also consider Kuala Lumpur and build my route from the pieces of existing ones.

I have a strong feeling that in SE asia you can arrange a transport on the spot even with the bike - with some communication and not much money.

Bad title. Didn't mean to paint shitty russian aa as glorious.

Sorry for bad phrasing but the fact is that it is probably in Russian hands now, largely intact.

Not saying it happened but it looks a lot like the drone that hit Tatarstan not too long ago. Posted on one of the RU telegram channels without much explanation on how and where.

My speculation is either EW or something failed during flight.

Looking to build a bombproof bikepacking rig for a trip to South America in a year or two. Found this frame for a good price but it has a small ding on the downtube. Is it superficial or...?

Also on the edge about the size, I fit surly's size L and XL (6'2''/ 188cm). XL is appealing because of the larger triangle but with L transportation and flying might be easier. What do you guys think?

Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I checked with an external monitor - it’s just the display. On one hand cheaper than buying a new laptop, on other hand this laptop slowly is becoming a ship of Theseus. After almost 6 years there probably isn’t much lifespan left in this unit. Eyeing a potential replacement and nothing catches the eye but XPSes.

The country is more diverse than the post makes it out to be. I believe I camped where pic 4 was taken.

Came back home from Jylland to Copenhagen

Yo, did you end up going to Enilcheck and that sketchy route?