I would describe that as intermittent OMAD and it would definitely help with calorie restriction if that's your goal?

Have some salt water or a zero calorie drink. I like lemon juice in water with some lite salt and a little monk fruit sweetener.

I actually prefer 36 hour fasts because with 24 hours, the last 4 hours I'm obsessed over food. With 36 I just stop eating after dinner. Skip eating the next day. Then wake up ready for breakfast. Idk why but eliminating and food for a full day is easier.

Woah that looks like the system I'm in right now!

My understanding is that it originated from the music video (an insane fever dream).

Skibbity means bad. Also, Ohio is bad. If your kid says something is skibbity Ohio = it's terrible.

I was told I have skibbity Ohio jokes....

You've only been at it for a total of 2 weeks. I would hardly consider 1 week of no change a "plateau". You gotta have more patience for long term weightloss.

If you really want to be wild, reduce calories to 1900. See where you are at 2 weeks from now. Also, are you actually tracking & weighing everything that you eat?

Yes, but toddlers are very cute, and their storms pass pretty quickly. They don't try to manipulate you or lie about important stuff. They cuddle with you and say cute things.

The care that goes into tweens is next level stuff. You gotta know comon core math and navigate/monitor 20 different school apps EVERY DAY. You gotta listen to among us and skibbity toilet bullshit. You gotta protect them from the internet while simultaneously teaching them how to navigate the internet. You gotta help them sort out bullying and clicks and clothing styles and extracurricular activities.

I have a 3yo and a 12yo, and I will take the toddler parenting over the tween any day.

It's like brushing your teeth:

if you forget to brush your teeth, do you freak out and ask people what you should do next? No, you just start brushing your teeth again. Don't stress and put so much pressure on yourself. Stop studying your face in the mirror and just, start again.

Keep going! 1 noodle is probably like 3 calories

I split with my son's father about 10 years ago, and it was the best thing I ever did!

The first few months of 50/50 was a hard adjustment because I was a SAHM before the split. Plus, divorce is emotional anyway. However, my life truly began at that point. I was free! It was also nice to have kid breaks to focus on myself, go to therapy etc.

40lbs lost

Take a maintenance break! This isn't a sprint to the finish line