This is the lamest sarcasm I've seen from this guy, people here can't handle this. They haven't heard peak Modi, Congress MPs used to run away from the parliament unable to handle it. RaGa himself used to run away to Thailand.

We have Congress and SP singing praises of Hinduism. Aur kya ache din chahiye? BJP ke pehle toh Ram naam lene walon ko goli se maarte the UP mein papa Mulayam Singh...

You do know you can't stab a person even if he killed someone just because you think he deserves it right ?

Did she stab him? "Mass online agression"? WTF is even that?

In these messages, she referred to one of the perpetrators involved in her gang rape as a “disgraceful pig” and a “disgusting freak”.

In one message, Maya wrote, “How do you not feel ashamed when you look in the mirror? Let’s hope you just get locked up.”

Wow such agression.

God damn you really can't read, can you ?

Classic left. Got any more lines? Maybe I need to take you to court for this, get you jailed for a day or two for this unbearable harsh online agression.

Moreover, the very law needs to be questioned here, but somehow that gets a pass?

The rape case in question involved nine young men who assaulted a 15-year-old girl for several hours. All the perpetrators were under 20 years old at the time, and most were given suspended sentences, with only a 19-year-old Iranian national sentenced to actual imprisonment. 

How is this even appropriate? Rapists get away without imprisonment and supposed "online agression" leads to getting booked by the law? Really? And you expect people to just accept this "law". No. They're questioning it by trying to choose someone else. That's all it is... The left keeps hiding behind "fascist right" argument to hide the logical fallacies in their ideology and we have people like you to defend their actions...

Oh look a thief...!! Better throw her in jail before she goes off on a rant against rapists. The fact that she was even taken to court because she commented on a social media is fuckin pathetic. You can bring out your excuses all you want, but if people started getting jailed for what they said on social media under right wing governments, you wouldn't be brushing it under the rug like this. Left or right, they're all elite, let's not make it our job to defend their actions please...

When things like this happen in Europe

It'll be hard to prove that people are moving towards an extremist ideology and not away from one when they vote for the other side.

I know Germany and France are different countries, I'm sure it won't be too difficult to find similar incidents in France thanks to the ideology shared by the current ruling regimes...


It's a fucking democracy. When a current govt is not giving them the required results, they'll look for a change.

Man the heartbroken look on Pollock's face though...

Well looks like I'm mistaken. Apparently it's a rumour that he was banned. A couple of his directed movies didn't run well enough, after which he made a couple of movies as an actor and those became superhits, so he continued focusing on acting career, came back to directing after 10 years or sth.


He became actor especially because he was banned from directing lol

Edit: not banned apparently, rumours

Both sides do it. The screaming done by opposition when ruling party is presenting their case is even worse.

Most people who are called godi media were Congress lapdogs not too long ago. Should've seen Arnab before 2014. They know how to change colours when there's a calling... It's regular business...

we haven't had the average Indian society interested and involved in political debate all throughout the 90's.

Which is why they were elective Congress again and again. Every since they actually got involved in politics, they've been voting for BJP.

The Congress has been hiding behind this assumed "non-violent" image of Hinduism right from the days of Gandhi, and has been propagating this bullshit for the longest time. It's somehow only the responsibility of Hindus to make sure the country is non-violent, while they turn an absolute blind eye when violence happens from other religions, including amending the fuckin constitution to suit the men of their beloved minority religion. The moment someone quotes from a different religion on live TV, their whole life comes in danger, and they have to hide themselves from danger. I wonder why Congress doesn't preach about this non-violence during such incidents?

I'm sorry but when is showing any God in the parliament allowed in the parliament?

You can find foreigner replacements, the pool is huge. Finding Indian replacements can be brutal. I would simply retain Pant Kuldeep and Axar. The fourth retention can be Stubbs, because finding a decent finisher is much more challenging than finding someone to open the innings. Openers win you league games, finishers win you knockouts.

As far as I've seen Telugu actors, they always seem to appreciate stars from Bollywood. Sure there's always this question of Hindi actors getting more importance than South stars, and I've even heard of Chiranjeevi complaining about his there's hardly any representation from South in National level award etc, but that's not without reason. But they never shy away from appreciating actors from other languages, in fact artists from other industries get absolutely pampered even publicly. They hype them up in public and there's a genuine show of respect to stars from other languages, esp seniors like AB, there's no question there. It was Nag and Prabhas who pulled the crowd to the theatres, and they'll continue to do that. AB stole the show, and actors of that calibre will continue to do that.

Yeah definitely not 280... As long as I can remember, I haven't seen it be below 450, and I started getting meat from 13 years at least.