:RamIt: Ram It!

Same, I'll never forget that feeling on the Van bomb. Every Goff deep ball had me clenching and praying it wasn't intercepted. But that pass I just knew Stafford saw something and it was going to be glorious.

bro literally quoted the rule book what are you talking about my guy?

:RamIt: Ram It!

yeah exactly this. don't care why he went out, all i care about is how he is today. sounds like he's good and on the right path. dope, let's play some ball.

hahahaha that's hilarious, thanks for digging that up. lowkey agree with him tho, why do y'all have ice rinks in the hotel instead of pools lmao

man you are describing my parents to a T. they still get weary about putting money in a bank because they feel like it can collapse at any moment like it did back in Yugo. would be great if they could go to therapy and work on that, but "nobody understands what they went through" so...

When the Kings played the Mavs in those back to back games toward the end of the season I noticed how quick Kidd was to call timeouts whenever there was a glimmer of momentum from the Kings. I distinctly remember us scoring two baskets in a row and Kidd calling a timeout like we were on a 10-0 run.

Crazy thing is, it worked so well. Legendary timeout manager.

In the first half it felt like the Wolves were hunting Luka on defense because he was basically a statue and practically letting people blow by him. Ant was also driving to the lane any chance he got. It felt like Minny went away from that the rest of the game and I'm wondering if that's because Luka just got warmed up enough or did Kidd make some adjustments?

the Balkan mindset is something else, man. when we were settled in the states we had my grandparents stay with us for a month and it was surreal how the comforts of modern life were so foreign to them. my grandmother asked for a bucket to put in the shower while she bathed and they absolutely refused to turn on the lights when it got dark.

i guess it's the human condition to stick with what you know and what is familiar, even if it's objectively not the most effective way of doing things. i'm sure if i make it to my grandparent's age, i will refuse the waterless nanobot shower option in favor of the good ol' fashioned running water.

Barkley is 1 of 1; he has been like this his entire career. The mistake they're making is thinking they could build another Barkley.

I know it's been beath to absolute death but my God does Draymond not add ANYTHING to this broadcast. He's so forced in there and when he chimes in it's so awkward and throws off the energy of the entire panel. This experiment needs to end man

come on man yeah he got cooked but let's not act like a 7' 2" guy with an even longer wingspan and decent mobility isn't one of the best defenders in the league. even luka said his length makes it tough to shoot over him.

Luka just cursing at him afterwards too lol the absolute disrespect

that makes sense. seems like a lot of work to put on a single piece of rope

ah this is the only one my simple mind can visualize lol. so let's say they keep their current set up with the rope, you're saying ratch straps going around the machine and over the rope would do the trick? the tension probably wouldn't be enough to keep the rope in place tho right...

what's the way to do this then? add more rope just to keep the thing contained?

Super anecdotal but in my travels across Europe over the past decade, pretty much every trip I'm guaranteed to have a handful of conversations around how much "better" country X is than America on some niche knowledge topic such as geography or wildlife. I had a guy in Portugal go on and on how proud he was that his daughter could recognize all the different tree types in his rural countryside instead of a bunch of logos from American companies like McDonalds or Coca Cola.

I fully admit there are some things European countries do better than America but man does it sometimes feel like insecurity when you hear these people talk.

Fisher did famously say that his team's goal was to win the division and it kind of makes sense because those are where the bulk of your games are coming from each season.