Americans don't understand that they are all advocates of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM, even the negative ones.

How do you get the option chains data into Python?

Is there an API from your broker/data provider you are using?

Do you want an Asian-Canadian (me) moving there and I can introduce you guys to Asian cuisine in the countryside? LOL

I love Spanish rural area - they seem rad (from what I saw from my train from Madrid to Barcelona).

So, a non-European (who doesn't have resident permit) can't qualify for this?

I'd love to do this and now with satellite internet, like Starlink, I can work anywhere.

You know what I am going to stop reading this sub at least till next Saturday.

A) I am wasting time dooming and fighting the doom

B) I get annoyed

C) There is nothing I can do, if Americans are dumb enough to reelect Don the Con, then hopefully Pierre Polievre can have a good rapport with him since USMCA will be renegotiated in 2026

If someone sees me posting even a word - ban me. [applies only to this sub], I still want to read and post on arrr canadiansgonewild or arrr spreadsheetporn


Americans be like: Is shoe

Brits be like: Is sue

Many such cases.

Also, they are now putting litter boxes in classrooms but not the 10 commandment.


"He was admitted to the hospital because he was die-curious."

I hate tribunals, and commissions. Why can't we have everything under the judicial system instead of these bodies.

The Confederate States of America's war against northern aggression was an intifada!

I'm about to become the joker.

I'm about to stonewall the face of whoever made that.

But this is not my culture and if I do it I will be pilloried for cultural appropriation though.

How do people dap? When is dapping common? When is the proper time to do it? Is there a protocol to it?

Apparently, I know nothing about American culture despite taking a few college classes on US politics, and economic history.

Interesting. I don't know about this methodology before.

WW2028 to lead us in WWIII.

Has a nice ring to it.

Probably just a selection bias, but sub members at BPT are way more sane than the mess in this sub in the pass few days.

Top post is about how Chevron, grants pass, and affirmative action overturned because of Trump. And inside that thread, second comment was bitching about people not voting for HRC even though she is super qualified. And there is also call to go and vote.

4th post was about Biden dapping (?) in the Waffle House after the debate and someone said Obama prolly taught him that.

And this is what I said earlier, Biden saying NO to these """elites""" to drop out, maybe in some weird ways help him to be trustworthy, to maybe a not insignificant # of voters.

In Norway, they put their F35 inside mountain bunkers. To protect them and there are even anti-aircraft missiles to even prevent aircraft from flying near.

But why is it in the open in the US? Aren't they also afraid that there will be strategic bombing of US airfields?

Why does my double shot tastes spicy?

Is this weird?

I am new to my machine and finally in my 8th attempt or so, I managed to get 45g (from 18g) within 35 seconds. And it tastes spicy. Can bitter manifest as spicy?